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Jul 22, 2022, 15 tweets

The new #StrategicConcept is the blueprint for the Alliance in a more dangerous and competitive world.

It sets out #NATO’s priorities, core tasks, and approaches for the next decade.

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It reaffirms #NATO’s key purpose of ensuring our collective defence and defines the Alliance’s three core tasks.


It sets out the Alliance’s vision for a world where sovereignty, territorial integrity, human rights and international law are respected, and where each country can choose its own path.


The document defines #Russia as the most significant and direct threat to Allies’ security.


The #StrategicConcept addresses #China for the first time and the systematic challenges it poses to Euro-Atlantic security.


And it recognises the threat of terrorism to the security of our citizens and to international peace and prosperity. Terrorists have expanded their networks, enhanced their capabilities and invested in new tech to improve their reach and lethality.


The 2022 Strategic Concept also acknowledges climate change as a defining challenge of our time. It can affect the environments our armed forces operate in, intensify conflict and competition, and threaten the lives and livelihoods of our citizens.


In response, Allies have committed to significantly strengthening their deterrence and defence to deny any potential adversary any possible opportunities for aggression.


As long as nuclear weapons exist, NATO will remain a nuclear Alliance. NATO’s nuclear forces are the supreme guarantee of our security; however, Allies are committed to arms control and disarmament, and will pursue risk reduction including through dialogue and prevention tools.

And a new force model will provide more troops at higher readiness, improving NATO’s ability to respond at very short notice to any contingency.


NATO will also continue to work to prevent and respond to crises when these have the potential to affect our security. Allies will further develop NATO’s ability to support civilian crisis management and relief operations.


The document is clear that #NATO enlargement has been a historic success in ensuring the security of millions of people, and that Allies remain committed to NATO’s Open Door policy.


And it commits NATO to strengthening its ties with partners that share the Alliance’s values and interest in upholding the rules-based international order.


NATO will play its part in combating climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions, while ensuring military effectiveness and a credible deterrence and defence posture.


You can read #NATO’s 2022 #StrategicConcept here:…


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