Lazarus Long Profile picture
#H5N1isAirborne - it will be a miracle if the USDA and CDC don't 1918 us. Don't forget, the first wave was mild. Until it wasn't. #PZC.

Jul 28, 2022, 10 tweets

Asymptomatic transmission of CoVid. Remember that discovery?

That was it! Everyone knew it had to be airborne. No symptoms means no coughing, and no droplets.


A quick thread on 3 asymptomatic transmission cases.... of Monkeypox.

Let's go to Belgium!

Specifically, a large Belgium STI clinic. They tested swabs collected back in May.

And found 3 individuals who tested positive for monkeypox.

No symptoms. But had monkeypox.

How do we interpret this? Let's let the author do the honors.

Close contacts can transmit with no symptoms.

So, how does the virus get from one person to the other?

Nobody says and sprays it, that much.

Nobody licking doorknobs.

But friends chatting by the water cooler? Exchanging aerosols?

Happens all the time.

Thanks to @fitterhappierAJ for the intro picture.

Preprint (usual caveats):…

Thank you to @IrithItm, I believe, who appears to be one of the authors of a fascinating study.

That may just have changed the world for a little bit better.

Thank you, and welcome to the thread, as I did not know that!

@threadreader unroll please

Thank you for the further evidence of Monkeypox asymptomatic patients!

Given that SARS1, Influenza, CoVid, chickenpox, measles, etc all have transmission either presymptomatically or asymptomatically?

Monkeypox will also fit in there, too.

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