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Aug 5, 2022, 6 tweets

Happy #BeerDay🍻 A mini 🧵Over the past two decades, companies such as @AnheuserBusch @abinbev, @Heineken or @carlsberg have consolidated hundreds of beer brands under their roofs, creating an illusion of choice for consumers around the world.

Nobody in Europe comes close to the Czechs when it comes to drinking beer. According to data from the our Consumer Market Outlook, Czechs get through more than 100 liters of the booze on average per capita each year.

#Germany comes in at second place, with an average of 75 liters of beer consumed per capita in a year, just ahead of neighboring #Austria (71 liters). The #UK comes a few rungs down the ladder (51 liters), after Ireland (62 liters) and the Netherlands (60 liters).

As the brewing industry is still recovering from the aftershock of the Covid-19 pandemic, alcohol-free beer has become one of the bright spots in a troubled beer sector. What are your thoughts on buzz-free beer?

This International Beer Day, brewers can surely take heart from the incredibly successful decade they have behind them. Historically, the U.S boasted 4,144 breweries in 1873, a number that fell drastically by the middle of the 20th century.

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