Arca. Profile picture
Part discretionary, mostly systematic.

Aug 6, 2022, 8 tweets

$RDBX-New Formation PT 1: The daily 10 day simple moving average is acting as support from today's run. Confirming support above this average can prove worthy for #rdbx #stock. The real obstacle would be the cross of the daily SMA100 right after... cont

$RDBX-New Formation PT 2: The bottom rectangular support we've had for days is working perfectly and is also helping form our previously implied #bullflag formation. This candle will close in 2 trading days and still within the channel bounds... cont

$RDBX-New Formation PT 3: Daily #RSI indicator is pivoted straight up and about to re-enter the bullish control zone. The moving average seems to have worked as a form of support... cont

$RDBX-New Formation PT 4: Circled is the 3 day bull flag formation i've been speaking of for your convenience... cont

$RDBX-New Formation PT 5: In the immediate short term, we are building another potential bull flag and has the potential to find support at the channel bottom, the EMA9 and MA6 before an impulsive move to the upside... cont

$RDBX-New Formation PT 6: I found a new formation! Below is a descending broadening wedge and is considered to be a trend reversal formation. The typical target of these formations would be it's genesis, in this case, $13.03

$RDBX-New Formation PT 7: To my surprise, our #fibonacci target has massive confluence at an important ratio. The 2.618 ratio just so happens to sit at the $13.03 mark as well. That's almost too good of rhyming to ignore. We need a breakout from... cont

$RDBX-New Formation PT 8: ... the formation followed by a re-test of the wedge top to confirm support and continue. Thank you kindly for your attention!

- ArcaB

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