Golden Coast (Cassandra) Profile picture
Worlds Top Economist & Social entrepreneur that forecast the Inflation Crisis & debt crisis to help people from out of control Central Bankers.

Aug 7, 2022, 5 tweets

Thread on Paul Volcker fighting 70s #inflation and what can we learn from it today.

Government money printing was out of control in the 60s & 70s so as the US was printing their way through elections, foreign investors started dumping dollars and wanted their #gold

Then when #inflation took off after @WTF_1971 money supply 🚀 increased 100% from 1970-1980

As we went off gold standard and onto the #GreatFiatPonziScheme Paul Volcker knew that raising rates wasn’t enough to fight inflation the money supply had to decline.

Towards the end of the 70s since #inflation was on going for the decade the government finally decided to reduce the deficit realizing that was the cause of the #inflation & along with higher rates finally had #inflation come down

The dollar in that decade lost 50% of its purchasing power while interest rates went from 3% to 15% so even higher interest rates couldn’t stop the dollar from losing 50%.

Now fast forward to 2022 the same money supply M1 that increased 100% from 1970-1980 that caused the worst #inflation back then has increased 425% in 2 years with rates at 2% today and highest inflation in history.

Prepare accordingly.

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