Golden Coast (Cassandra) Profile picture
World's Top Economist: Forecasted record gold prices, inflation/debt crisis, nailed the Top in the following 🫧: Crypto, AI Stocks, Call Options
Jul 1, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
Here is a video Thread on @WallStCynic in what he calls the

“Golden Age of Fraud”

Some good insights

1. “The Fraud cycle follows the business cycle with a lag, the longer and narrower the stock market rise the more fraud occurs as it matures” 2. “The concern today is the zero days expirations or #ODTE which is literally gambling where you now have a casino like cultural coupled with equity risk culture which is frightening in terms of market structure and regulators are hands off”
Aug 7, 2022 5 tweets 4 min read
Thread on Paul Volcker fighting 70s #inflation and what can we learn from it today.

Government money printing was out of control in the 60s & 70s so as the US was printing their way through elections, foreign investors started dumping dollars and wanted their #gold Then when #inflation took off after @WTF_1971 money supply 🚀 increased 100% from 1970-1980

As we went off gold standard and onto the #GreatFiatPonziScheme Paul Volcker knew that raising rates wasn’t enough to fight inflation the money supply had to decline.
Oct 25, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
I want everyone to realize, YES the US is in a very bad #inflation environment not #hyperinflation but when the US govt stops printing PHYSICAL DOLLARS b/c the cotton
(up 67% since 2019 NOT QE) the US uses to make dollars are NOW more expensive then the digits they are worth! United States currency paper is composed of 75% cotton and 25% linen.
Oct 25, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
For anyone who wants to share with someone about the #GreatFiatPonziScheme and #inflation some create info below 👇🏼
Jan 5, 2021 28 tweets 7 min read
What I try and do through social media is to challenge everyone to think outside the box based on data, facts, information and a little bit of comedy. please share spread the word and help people understand the #GreatFiatPonziScheme Image The #GreatFiatPonziScheme is the name to the destruction of the US Dollar where America allowed elitists to control the money supply with the Federal reserve act of 1913. But don’t let this fool you they tried for 80 years since 1830 but was held off by our presidents till 1913. Image
Sep 19, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
I love the deflation/stagflation/inflation discussion. Here is data to help people understand. Current metric by The #Fed for inflation is the PCE which is Consumer Prices rising & declining, that does not include Stocks, bonds, real estate, gold, food, energy, medical cost. The Fed metric for deflation/inflation is PCE. PCE’s scope includes both urban and rural households; furthermore it considers both expenditures on behalf of consumers by 3 parties and out-of-pocket expenditures.This broader scope means there is a larger total amount of spending
Aug 12, 2020 5 tweets 5 min read
(Zoom in on photo) the Big banks that can’t fail have now purchased $1.8 TRILLION in Credit Default Swaps (CDS) yes the same CDS that helped caused the Financial Crisis of 2008. @jpmorgan has increased there Swaps by $100 billion since last report I’m sure it’s fine! Why are the banks buying trillions in CDS?! #AskingForAFriend @DiMartinoBooth @GeorgeGammon @bondstrategist @chigrl @HRGPFOREVER @EndTheFed001 @RetirementRight @NorthmanTrader @hendry_hugh @PeterSchiff @realJosephRich