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Covering #Iran & #MidEast, especially what MSM won't Have a passion for exposing Tehran apologists/lobbyists

Aug 19, 2022, 12 tweets


#Iran opposition @NCRIUS Rep. Office held a conference on Aug 17 with US/European dignitaries on Iran’s nuclear program 20 years after revelations of the regime’s nuclear sites & the failed Obama/Biden policies.


First, some history.

Sen. @JoeLieberman
"We ought to talk away from the negotiations in Vienna... We tried engagement. We continue to repeat the same thing with the same awful result."


@JoeLieberman 3)
Sen. @JoeLieberman

There was bipartisan pressure from the U.S. on #Iran’s nuclear program until 2015 when the Obama admin threw away all that for nothing, on a belief they could contain the mullahs’ regime.

@JoeLieberman 4)
@AmbJohnBolton emphasizing the highly flawed #Iran policies of the Biden administration.

Amb. Bolton signals the Biden administration's neglect regarding the proven fact that #Iran's regime will not comply with any nuclear deal, as they began violating the 2015 nuclear deal from day one.

Read more here - heshmatalavi.substack.com/p/iran-has-bee…


Amb. Bolton points out how the Obama administration's failed #Iran policies led to many concessions to the mullahs' regime in Tehran.

@A_Jafarzadeh explains how the U.S. administration can provide political support to the people of #Iran & the Iranian Resistance, emphasizing on the fact that support is not about arms or money or boots on the ground.

Amb. Robert Joseph highlights the Biden administration's fundamental mistakes on #Iran and how the mullahs in Tehran are taking full advantage of Washington's indecision and weakness.

Dr. @OlliHeinonen explains how the Europeans place all the burden of foreign policy crises on the Americans and hopefully the Russian invasion of Ukraine has opened their eyes.


@GenChuckWald: the same Obama officials who negotiated the 2015 deal are now negotiating Biden's deal.

Necessary measures:
-keep IRGC on terror list
-ballistic missile issue must be negotiated
-continue building coalition against Iran
-military option on the table


@GenChuckWald 11)
Full report:
#Iran opposition NCRI marks 20th anniversary of groundbreaking revelations

Summary of #Iran opposition @NCRIUS conference on the regime's nuclear program & Obama/Biden failures

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