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Aug 25, 2022, 5 tweets

Updated #monkeypox vaccines & immunization guidance:


What's 🆕

1⃣Men who have sex with men reinforced as group at high risk, are recommended for vaccination 💉

2⃣Revised terms:
Instead of pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) 👉 use primary preventive vax (PPV)

Instead of post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) 👉 use post-exposure vax (PEPV)

What’s the same:

1⃣ Mass vaccination is still not recommended for #monkeypox at this time.

2⃣ Maximum immunity is usually reached 2 weeks after a complete series of vaccination. In the meantime, it is important to continue protecting yourself & others against monkeypox.

Info is still limited on how well the #smallpox vaccines work for #monkeypox.

WHO calls countries to carry out monkeypox vaccination activities within randomized clinical trials so we can learn more about vaccine efficacy & effectiveness.


Vaccines are one tool among others.
#Monkeypox can be contained with public health measures including surveillance, contact-tracing, isolation and care of patients.


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