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Sep 2, 2022, 6 tweets

Lafayette Square by The White House #WashingtonDC – honors #AmericanRevolution heroes #Lafayette, #Rochambeau, Von Steuben and Kosciuszko. In 1859, adulterer Congressman Daniel Sickles murdered adulterer Philip Barton Key (Francis Scott Key’s son)... 1/

2/ Lafayette Square: … over Sickles’ adulteress wife Teresa DaPonte Bagioli Sickles (1836-1867), who he had married when she was 15/16. [Key died in the white home in the background, known as President McKinley's Little White House.]

3/ Lafayette Square: … Sickles was the first to be acquitted using the “temporary insanity” defense and stayed on as a Congressman. He later became a #USCivilWar #MedalOfHonor war hero at #Gettysburg. Continued...

4/ Lafayette Square: … In the center of the square is actually a statue of #AndrewJackson, hero of #1812 and later #USPresident and architect of the genocidal #TrailOfTears to drive the #Cherokees and others out of Eastern United States. Continued...

5/ Lafayette Square: … It’s also the site of the #WhiteHousePeaceVigil, the longest anti-nuclear weapon protest in the US (in the world?). See the green tent, etc.? They've been there for years, taking shifts, 24x7. Wow! Continued...

6/ Lafayette Square: … Wiki says it’s also been “a racetrack, a graveyard, a zoo, a slave market, an encampment for soldiers during the War of 1812...political protests and celebrations.” Who says #history is boring? #tourism #USA

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