Joe Murgia Profile picture
I post about UFOs/UAP, consciousness, psi, life after death, Bengston Healing, remote viewing. Occasional politics. I know nothing!

Sep 5, 2022, 6 tweets

1/5 - My precognitive dreams, death, 40 years, dumpster diving for a computer program and shooting sports in Slovakia. #ufo #supernatural

2/5 I also told her I had a crush on her, 40 years ago. She said she had no idea. 😀

3/5 @ADKT1T2 would go to see the VA docs at the same hospital I volunteered at ten or so years before, in Northport, on Long Island, at the VA Medical Center. The place where Frank died.

4/5 Can humans will themselves to die?

5/5 California Dreamin’

Dream about a CA-based production company calling me for work in Slovakia.

6 And yes, Robin's mom died of cancer after a long battle.

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