Joe Murgia Profile picture
I post about UFOs/UAP, consciousness, psi, life after death, Bengston Healing, remote viewing. Occasional politics. I know nothing!
11 subscribers
May 25, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
1 Below is a transcript of the comments made by two Marines to @JeremyCorbell in the most recent episode of @WeaponizedPod with @g_knapp. Those Marines were present at Camp Wilson on April 20th, 2021, when an alleged UAP event took place. Camp Wilson is located within the…… 2 Link to Greenewald's Twitter thread...

And blog...…
Mar 14, 2023 6 tweets 4 min read
1 Since some folks have used this in an attempt debunk the entire UFO subject, these are important details. My tentative conclusion: I think somebody was f**king with Weinstein and Harris in order to keep them from digging deeper. With Harris, it worked.…… 2 Sam Harris: "And there is somebody who...what's his name? @MickWest (This explains why Sam is so ignorant about UFOs)? Is it a YouTuber?"

Lex: "Yeah, he debunks stuff."

SH: "I have since seen some of those this is going back, still, at…
Mar 14, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
1/2 From 2022 and a TC special...

This is one of the best segments you'll see on the work of Christopher O'Brien and his research into cattle mutilations. Some of the footage featuring O'Brien's field work is from his personal archives and had never been seen before.…… 2/2 From 2022 and a TC special...

This is one of the best segments you'll see on the work of Christopher O'Brien and his research into cattle mutilations. Some of the footage featuring O'Brien's field work is from his personal archives and had never been seen before.
Mar 12, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
This tweet deserves more love. I hope D’Amato has already spoken to Congress & AARO.

@GarryPNolan added this about the secret, illegal #UFO project, that some believe has non-human craft and bodies.

“…they lack the internal expertise or flexibility to accomplish many goals.”…… 2 And if you don't know who D'Amato is:…
Mar 5, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
Just got to Alien Con.

Corbell and Knapp on stage for an AMA. Knapp gets information on AARO. Some is good and some isn’t encouraging.
Mar 2, 2023 5 tweets 3 min read
1 "The CIA descends on my doorstep & they said, 'Oh have we been looking for you.'"

Great story on Ingo's apparent PK ability to affect sensitive instruments in a lab. Bengston has a similar story with #psychic/healer Ben Mayrick.

Hal Puthoff: He asked a question about another…… 2 "I briefed all kinds of people, including Bill Casey when he was Reagan’s director of CIA. And directors of DIA. I appeared before Senate Congressional Intelligence Committees and so on."


~ ~ ~

Hal Puthoff: "So I decided to invite [Ingo] out to Stanford Research……
Feb 27, 2023 8 tweets 6 min read
1 #ufotwitter - #uaptwitter - #ufo #ufos #uap

@lesliekean on @TOEwithCurt

Starts off with a clip. I'm sure we'll get context later on and she's just stating a theory or what somebody else believes.

"Basically, we're not at the top of the food… 2 Kean on TOE continued.

CJ: Were there elements you had to leave out of the 2017 story?

There always are. Spoke to Fravor for hours in DC with Helene. Wanted to include more about what they learned about UFOs. Story was about AATIP existed. (Semivan disagrees. He thinks NYT……
Feb 27, 2023 5 tweets 3 min read
1/3 "It's about to be subjected to the full range of analysis techniques that it hasn't been subjected to before."

~GN on Art's Parts

~ ~ ~

Were "Art's Parts" made by aliens or humans?

Partial transcript, including the back story as shared by Hal Puthoff at his West Virginia…… 2/3 Puthoff: "So, it turns out this would make a terahertz wave guide. What’s a terahertz? Well, you hear about megahertz and gigahertz, and the microwave spectrum, and then you hear about infrared radiation. Well, terahertz sort of lies in that no man’s land as far as technology……
Feb 23, 2023 5 tweets 3 min read
1) 3:05:45 - "So far as I know, Eric W. Davis is the top person who knows what a tensor is on this project. Are you kidding me? Try to imagine that you're trying to do the Manhattan Project with a K Pop group."

Eric W. Davis (ED) was nice enough to speak with… 2 ED: "The other, unofficial, way is…you gain, you build a level of trust among certain individuals, and people within the network who, after a few years of knowing them, you work with them, they know who you are, they know what you’re capable of, they know your competencies.……
Feb 20, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
1 Demo of @theurigeller's psi (psychic) abilities @ 7:46.

Recent events: Uri doesn't think we should shoot down #UFOs (I don't think they were true UFOs).

Talks about the 3 vids (Tic Tac, Gimbal, Go Fast) & how fast they're going (Only the Tic Tac video showed a maneuver that…… 2 "During the few years when Uri had a daily TV show, the pressure for him to repeatedly perform PK and other psychic demonstrations on live TV wore him out. He couldn’t get his power to work anymore unless he had very long periods of rest, which was not possible to do with a……
Feb 14, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
1 Every news outlet: Hello, Mr. Mellon?

"Or perhaps, albeit highly unlikely, a probe placed by an #alien species. Although most UAP likely have conventional explanations, some demonstrate capabilities that seem inexplicable without reference to a more advanced nation or…… 2 "Alaska is highly unusual and may prove to be a Russian or Chinese electronic warfare or spy platform. Or perhaps, albeit highly unlikely, a probe placed by an alien species. Although most UAP likely have conventional explanations, some demonstrate……
Feb 13, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
1 Here's a video edit (it's not perfect) of the relevant, #UAP/#UFO segments from today's WH press briefing, with Q&A. I also did a transcript. #ufotwitter #uaptwitter

Jean-Pierre (I didn't include this in the edit but it's in the first tweet below): "I just wanted to make sure…… 2 Kirby: "from an interagency effort and to see what...if other, improvements [we] might need to make. Look, just by adapting the way the radar parameters are set (Can you say, @ChrisKMellon? ~Joe), we have improved our ability to detect.
Feb 13, 2023 6 tweets 5 min read
1) Wow!

Part 1 - Press Briefing by Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre and Pentagon Press Secretary, John F. Kirby.

I'll ignore the ET joke and laughter at the top. JFC.

2:58-3:49 Kirby: "The president also instructed the intelligence community to take a…… 2) Biden conducted a briefing on UAP in June of 2021? This was him on May 22nd, 2021
Feb 13, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
1 #ufotwitter "The U.S. Air Force general overseeing North American airspace said on Sunday after a series of shoot-downs of unidentified objects that he would not rule out aliens or any other explanation yet, deferring to U.S. intelligence experts.… 2 "Asked whether he had ruled out an extraterrestrial origin for three airborne objects shot down by U.S. warplanes in as many days, General Glen VanHerck said: 'I'll let the intel community and the counterintelligence community figure that out. I haven't ruled out anything.'
Feb 12, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
1 From @helenecooper in today's NYT. A new report is due to Congress on Monday? #ufotwitter #uaptwitter

"There were multiple theories abounding in Washington as to the provenance of the objects, but several Biden administration officials cautioned that much remained unknown 2 "about the last two objects shot down. The United States has long monitored U.F.O.s that enter American airspace, and officials believe that surveillance operations by foreign powers, weather balloons or other airborne clutter may explain most recent incidents of
Feb 11, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Here are Larry Lemke’s thoughts on the object being shot down today. #ufotwitter #uaptwitter… Larry’s LinkedIn.…
Feb 11, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
1/2 Eric Davis, George Bush Sr., Corso, and Holloman.

I knew about some of this and glad it’s starting to come out.

#ufotwitter - FS V5

Las Vegas, Friday 26 March 2004.

“The Fiesta Rancho Casino Hotel on Rancho Drive. Hal and I had taken early flights in order to meet at…… 2/2 H/T: @thatdudej6…
Feb 10, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
No matter the origin, this one is already better than the Chinese balloon story. #ufotwitter #uaptwitter 2 "ABC News Chief Global Affairs Correspondent Martha Raddatz first reported that when fighters were scrambled, the pilots did visuals, got images and said there was no sign the object had propulsion."
Feb 7, 2023 26 tweets 8 min read
1 #ufotwitter - Interview w/@jaystratton by @g_knapp, during the @ExploreSCU conference in Huntsville, Alabama last June. It was shot by @JeremyCorbell & first aired on @WeaponizedPod Episode 3.

Knapp: Huntsville (no longer Vegas) has become the de facto #UFO capital of America 2 Knapp had hoped he would land an interview w/Jay Stratton, somebody he has known for a very long time & a name he couldn't mention publicly. Until now. And Stratton loves the Mexican restaurant, Lindo Michoacan (Great place w/fantastic chimichangas fried ice cream!) in Vegas.
Feb 6, 2023 25 tweets 7 min read
1 #ufotwitter Easily my favorite anecdote thus far, from FS-V5. If you’ve been following along (or u read SATP), you know about Lacatski, Skinwalker, 'Tubular Bells' & AAWSAP. This adds to the "fun."

Hummingbird. Wednesday 24 December 2008.

"A very strange coincidence occurred 2 FSV5: "this afternoon as Bob Bigelow & Colm Kelleher called me about the second project (on AAWSAP ~Joe) we've agreed I would do. They caught me at the wheel of the Highlander, as I had just parked it in Berkeley.

"I was with Janine who had gone into a used bookstore to sell
Feb 5, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
1/6 I love both of BB's books & think this one should b part of every university curriculum: "Critical Thinking for Open Minded Thinkers." A title I made up. If ur interested in ur 6th sense, believers vs. skeptics, & #healing, u will enjoy this extended sample.

Busting clouds? 2/6 Delusion?

Maid in America

Why do I feel sick?

How did you get better?

This is crazy

Fixing Bill



What's next? More healing...

How many treatments does it take?
