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Sep 7, 2022, 12 tweets

It's #WorldCleanAirDay

#AirPollution kills an estimated 7⃣ million people every year around the 🌎🌍🌏, with 90% of them in low- & middle-income countries.

99% of the world’s population is now breathing polluted air, according to the WHO guidelines:

We have the solutions to combat #AirPollution. Let's step up to improve air quality by creating:
🔽ultra-low emission zones
♻️improved waste management
🚴‍♂️new bike lanes
🚄clean public transportation
🌳outdoor spaces
🏢energy efficient buildings
⚡️clean energy
& much more

It's #WorldCleanAirDay

#AirPollution disproportionately affects the most vulnerable marginalized communities, those with the least resources to protect themselves and specifically children and older persons.

It's #WorldCleanAirDay

Sources of #AirPollution include:
🏭 Industry & energy supply
🚘 Transport
🚜 Agricultural practices
🔥 Waste management
🏠 Household energy
☁️ Dust

It's #WorldCleanAirDay

In children 🧒🏽 👧🏾, exposure to #AirPollution can cause:
🫁 reduced lung growth & function
🗣️ respiratory infections
🩺 aggravated #asthma

Ambient (outdoor) #AirPollution in the form of fine particulate matter or PM2.5, can lead to:
🔸 strokes
🔸 diabetes
🔸 heart diseases
🔸 lung #cancer
🔸 respiratory diseases

It also impacts pre and neonatal health.


It's #WorldCleanAirDay

2.4 billion people are exposed to dangerous levels of household #AirPollution because they cook, heat and light their homes using solid fuels like kerosene, wood, animal dung, charcoal and crop waste.

It's #WorldCleanAirDay

Household #AirPollution due to the lack of access to clean fuels & technologies causes noncommunicable diseases including:
🔸Ischaemic heart disease
🔸Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
🔸Lung cancer

It's #WorldCleanAirDay

3.2 million people die each year from household #AirPollution. Women and young children are the most vulnerable.

Almost half of all deaths among children under 5 are because of household air pollution.


Let's ensure everyone has access to cooking fuels & technologies which are clean for health incl:
💥natural gas, biogas & liquefied petroleum gas
💧alcohol-fuel stoves


The WHO Global Air Quality Guidelines provide clear evidence of the damage #AirPollution inflicts on health, at even lower concentrations than previously understood. The guidelines recommend air quality levels by reducing levels of 🔑 air pollutants.


The WHO Global Air Quality Guidelines recommend air quality levels for 6⃣ pollutants.

Small particulate matter (PM₁₀ and PM₂.₅) are of particular public health relevance, as they are capable of penetrating deep into the lungs 🫁.


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