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At the moment pollen counts are high & lots of people are reporting terrible #hayfever

If this is you - then this post may be useful.

This thread is about #thunderstorms & specifically a v.v. rare but serious phenomenon called #thunderstorm asthma.…

Normally pollen is too large to enter the lungs, but when a thunderstorm is brewing, updrafts of air can lift whole pollen grains up into the clouds. When exposed to moisture, these grains rupture into tiny pieces and this makes them highly allergenic.

Windy downdrafts then carry these fragments to ground level, resulting in a “pollen shower” & people can inhale the minute fragments deep into their lungs.

If you have hay fever then this can trigger an asthma attack - even if you don't have asthma.
Read 9 tweets
Every year, exposure to #AirPollution causes 7 million premature deaths.

From forest fires to smog hanging over cities and smoke inside the home, the #ClimateEmergency threatens our health and our planet.

📌 Factoid stating that "...
In children 🧒🏽 👶🏻 👧🏾, exposure to #AirPollution can cause:
🫁 reduced lung growth & function
🗣️ respiratory infections
🩺 aggravated #asthma

📌 A child is walking and read...
In adults, ischaemic heart disease and stroke are the most common causes of premature death attributable to outdoor #AirPollution. Other effects include #diabetes and neurodegenerative conditions.

📌 A man walks on the sidewalk...
Read 5 tweets
1) Welcome to a new #accredited #tweetorial in our series of educational programs on #hypertrophic #cardiomyopathy #HCM. Previous programs, still available for 🆓CE/#CME, are at
Now you can earn another 0.75hr credit by following this 🧵!
2) Our expert author is JA Linderbaum MS, ARNP, FACC, FPCNA @jlinderbaum, Associate Professor of Medicine, @MayoClinic, CV #NursePractitioner, Assoc. Medical Editor #AskMayoExpert.
#FOAMed #MedEd @MedTweetorials #CardioTwitter @transformingHC @TNPJ_Journal #cardiology
3) This program is supported by an unrestricted educational grant from Bristol Myers-Squibb. Statement of accreditation and faculty disclosures at Credit for #physicians #nursepractitioners #physicianassociates #nurses #pharmacists from @academiccme.
Read 70 tweets
#LongCovid treatment update:
As promised to my fellow #NEISVoid folks, here is a full list of my medicines, supplements, medical devices & rehabilitation in my recovery journey.
1. #POTS (Hyperadrenergic) - Ivabradine, Amlodipine, IV Saline (every 7 to 10 days as needed). 1/
2. #MCAS - Desloratadine, Montelukast, Cromolyn Sodium (Cetrizine + Prednisolone for rescue)
3. Rheumatoid Arthritis - Methotrexate, Paracetamol, Diclofenac Cream
4. #asthma - Budesonide/Formeterol, Ipratropium Bromide, Salbutamol (Rescue) 2/
5. GI issues - Pantoprozol, Prucalopride
6. Eyes - Olapatadin & Cromolyn eye drops, Refresh Tears, Refresh Eye Gel
7. Supplements - Calcium, Vitamins C & D, High Potency B Complex
8. Hypermobility - Braces for shoulders, ribs, wrists, elbows, knees & neck as needed 3/
Read 7 tweets
If you aren't tuning in yet to @VigilForHD16 introducing a phenomenal bill at #colorado #legislativesession ✨HB23-1101 - Ozone Season Transit Grant Program Flexibility ✨ #CleanAir #publictransit #ClimateJustice is important

@baconforco discusses the bill as well - who represents D7, and how much transit has mattered to #students #youngpeople and #workingparents and how much #CleanAir matters to her constituents #copolitics

Follow the bill!🔥
@VigilForHD16 gives us a lesson on group level o-zone - "which is a combination of heat and toxins, and they mostly come from oil and gas operations - and then transportation is the next big one" #copolitics

Fantastic point Rep. #ClimateJustice
Read 15 tweets
I really wish I'd paid more attention to biology & chemistry in school! Learning about the pharmacodynamic & pharmacokinetic properties of medications is truly fascinating. I'm so enamored by the cytochrome P450 family of enzymes & the highly important CYP3A4. 1/ #NEISVoid
There is a long list of drugs which are either substrates, inhibitors and inducers of CYP3A4, which determines how these drugs are metabolised. Grapefruit juice can also inhibit this enzyme, which when coupled with a moderate or strong CYP3A4 inhibitor drug can be dangerous. 2/
While it may not directly cause QT prolongation, combining two drugs (one of which may cause QT prolongation) which are metabolised through this enzyme can lead to increased levels of this drug, increasing the risk. 3/
Read 13 tweets

Yesterday we published our first combined asthma and COPD 'Drawing Breath' @NACAPaudit report.

I thought I'd highlight a few key themes.

First, it's important to note that these data reflect care during the pandemic period when front line clinical teams were stretched...
We have four key recommendations, each relevant to #asthma in adults, asthma in children and young people and #COPD, including #PR services.

The first area is that everyone should be able to access early and accurate diagnosis. Here are some key findings; we need to do better:
The second theme is the need for TIMELY care when a person has been admitted to hospital, for example receipt of systemic steroids in asthma, or #NIV in COPD for those who need it.
Read 11 tweets
Are "diet" soft drinks healthy?

1. People are opting for diet soft drinks in place of regular soft drinks, assuming that they are free of sugar, contain zero calories and hence are healthier & safer. But research shows evidence to the contrary.
#MedTwitter #HealthyFood
2a. In two studies conducted in US & Europe, individuals who consumed diet soft drinks had higher prevalence of metabolic syndrome than non-consumers.
Diet soft drink intake positively correlated with waist circumference and fasting plasma glucose in both studies.
Read 14 tweets
#ChildhoodAsthma and wheezing a 🧵

Childhood atopic asthma (cough, wheezing, breathlessness) is all too common
Stigma attached is doubly so, myths associated with inhalers and spacers is strongly ingrained, perpetuated acquiesced even by a proportion of paediatricians
What happens in asthma?
Due to a viral or environmental trigger (pollen etc) the child develops reaction in his airways: smaller breathing tubes (bronchioles)in lungs constrict (muscle around them tighten) + smooth lining of these tubes become swollen and produce sticky mucus PC: Asthma initiative of Michigan
What are the symptoms of #asthma in a child?
Tightness of chest, fast breathing, shortness of breath, severe fatigue with cough when severe
Milder symptoms could be troublesome cough in sleep, on running around or a cough that follows common cold and doesn’t get better easily
Read 12 tweets
Dear MPs, we would like to draw your attention to the fact that the Groene Stoker, which is presenting a petition today, is not a citizens' initiative (which they claim to be) but was founded and financed by the stove industry! #deception @Kauthar_
This so-called 'citizen organization' was set up and managed for a long time by entrepreneurs from the stove industry (sourc:Chamber of Commerce).The financing isn’t transparent.#astroturfing
@HabtamudeHoop @SandraBeckerman @kbhagen @Pieter_Grinwis (2/7)
In the years that the HoutrookVrij Foundation participated in the Wood Smoke and Health Platform, the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management hardly managed to find wood-burners willing to participate in the dialogue. Wood burners were not organized. But then..
Read 7 tweets
Beste Tweede Kamerleden, wij willen u erop attenderen dat de Groene Stoker, welke vandaag een petitie komt aanbieden, geen burgerinitiatief is (hetgeen zij wel pretenderen te zijn) maar opgericht én gefinancierd is door de kachelbranche! #misleiding @Kauthar_
Deze zogenaamde ‘burgerorganisatie’ is opgezet en langdurig bestuurd door ondernemers uit de kachelbranche (bron: KvK). De financiering is niet transparant. #astroturfing…

@HabtamudeHoop @SandraBeckerman @kbhagen @Pieter_Grinwis
In de jaren dat Stichting HoutrookVrij deelnam aan het Platform Houtrook en Gezondheid kreeg het ministerie Infrastructuur en Waterstaat het nauwelijks voor elkaar houtstokers te vinden die deel wilden nemen aan de dialoog. Houtstokers waren niet georganiseerd. Maar toen..
Read 12 tweets
Every year, exposure to #AirPollution causes millions of deaths.

To save lives and achieve #HealthForAll, let's align our efforts and claim the right to clean air.

📌 Illustration explaining tha...
In children 🧒🏽 👶🏻 👧🏾, exposure to #AirPollution can cause:
🫁 reduced lung growth & function
🗣️ respiratory infections
🩺 aggravated #asthma

📌 A child is walking and read...
In adults, ischaemic heart disease and stroke are the most common causes of premature death attributable to outdoor #AirPollution, and evidence is also emerging of other effects such as #diabetes and neurodegenerative conditions.

📌 A man walks on the sidewalk...
Read 6 tweets
My kid has #asthma & a severe, life-threatening dairy #allergy. We’ve been fought by @wilcoxprincipal and now @TwinsburgSupt every step of the way to get our child a section 504 plan. I want my kid alive with access to aninhaler, not dead with a law named after him. #disability
This is a story about how school district administration will fight you every step of the way when all you want them to do is comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (#ADA), #IDEA, or #Rehabilitation Act. It’s a story about intentional delay and confusion they sow.
First, the school’s principal Mrs. Villa Turner and school nurse tried to talk us out of a 504 plan. They discouraged it saying an unenforceable “health plan” would be sufficient because the staff deals with this all the time and is “trained.” More on “trained” later.
Read 10 tweets
Let's review quickly all of the science I've come across in the past week that applies to high-fat ketogenic carnivore type diets.

I'll post the link, an image of the abstract, the title, and some hashtags on each one.

1/n - My public Zotero Database:…
Red and processed meat intakes and cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes mellitus: An umbrella systematic review and assessment of causal relations using Bradford Hill’s criteria

"do not support causality"

#T2D #CVD #SystematicReview #RedMeat…
Do #Vegetarian Diets Provide Adequate Nutrient Intake during Complementary Feeding? A Systematic Review

Complementary Feeding is the period when you're weaning a child onto non-breastmilk foods.

TLDR: "Not safe, critical micronutrient deficiency risk"…
Read 23 tweets
This trend of #COVID19 followed soon after by #rhinovirus or #enterovirus (& we have it in our 🏠 , test-confirmed) is 👎👎. The 🫁 are taking a beating. Beware, especially folks w/ #asthma & other lung diseases. Masks on. 👀 recent CDC alert:…. #MedTwitter
If you are age 12+, it’s been at least 2 mos since your last dose of #COVID19 #vaccine or any # of #booster dose, & you haven’t gotten your updated #Omicron bivalent #boostershot, get it! Likewise anyone 6m old & up who hasn’t had a #FluShot this fall, go get one. Same day is👌.
There is unfortunately no vaccine vs #rhinovirus or #enterovirus. For that, our best bet is to improve air quality (open windows if possible, Corsi-Rosenthal boxes, etc), #MaskUp, & try to get those around us to #WearAMask too. Really concerned for folks with #asthma etc like us.
Read 4 tweets
'Evidence that long-term exposure to #airpollution in early life adversely affects children's #respiratory health and increases #asthma risk in childhood'... 1/2…
'Findings highlighted link between prenatal exposure to ambient #airpollution, specifically #NO2, #PM2_5, and #PM10, and the early life immunological profile of the airways, which was associated with the later emergence of allergic airway disease...' 2/2…
'Prenatal exposure to ambient air pollution associates with early life immune perturbations...' @jacionline
Casper-Emil Tingskov Pedersen et al @COPSAC_com @UCPH_Research……
Read 4 tweets
Okay so turns out that there is more work to be done regarding standardised salbutamol weaning plans, and SABA use in general, than I had thought. A 🧵regarding #asthma and weaning plans in the UK, the evidence, and what comes next. 1/17
What are salbutamol weaning plans? (WP) Children and young people are routinely discharged from the ward or ED with advice to gradually wean down salbutamol use over the coming days. WP may wean by time or doses (puffs) but start at 10 puffs every 4 hours 2/17
WP are commonly used across the UK and have been for years. They make clinicians and parents feel safe in the knowledge that the patient will continue to receive salbutamol, keeping the lungs open while they recover 3/17
Read 19 tweets
It's #WorldCleanAirDay

#AirPollution kills an estimated 7⃣ million people every year around the 🌎🌍🌏, with 90% of them in low- & middle-income countries.

99% of the world’s population is now breathing polluted air, according to the WHO guidelines:
We have the solutions to combat #AirPollution. Let's step up to improve air quality by creating:
🔽ultra-low emission zones
♻️improved waste management
🚴‍♂️new bike lanes
🚄clean public transportation
🌳outdoor spaces
🏢energy efficient buildings
⚡️clean energy
& much more Graphic describing how different solutions can be applied in
It's #WorldCleanAirDay

#AirPollution disproportionately affects the most vulnerable marginalized communities, those with the least resources to protect themselves and specifically children and older persons. Picture of a wooden stove on the right and heavy traffic on
Read 12 tweets
Today, @AsthmaIreland made a public statement in support of Minister @EamonRyan's proposed Solid Fuel Regulations. We called on all parties to support the regulations in a bid to end the 1,300 premature deaths caused annually by fine particle emissions from burning solid fuels.
The new regulations would ban smoky coal and wet wood, and prohibiting the commercial sale of sod turf, will save lives, but provide for continued turf extraction by those with turbary rights and distribution within small communities. @Dept_ECC
Air pollution can cause as well as exacerbate #chronicillness like #COPD, #asthma, heart disease and #stroke, #cancer, #diabetes and #dementia. Irish clinical research also links spikes in air pollution with increased hospital admissions for asthma and heart disease @roinnslainte
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I am a dr who has dedicated her career to people w/ #cancer.
I am the grateful daughter of a #lymphoma survivor.
I have #asthma.
Why wouldn't I #wearamask if it might prevent an illness, death, or #longcovid disability?
If you find masks uncomfortable, I can suggest some to try.
(And then I'm going to talk to you for the ENTIRE flight & all the way down the terminal to baggage claim & ground transportation about masks, so be ready if you're in the seat next to me & do this. Might be better just to #WearAMask.😂)

#MedTwitter #TrueStory
And then when I change your mind, you'll be in an airplane thumbs-up selfie with me wearing your favorite of the several brands of spare N95 masks I have in my backpack.
Read 5 tweets
I'll be adding short important points which would hopefully help in remembering certain concepts during #PLAB preparation, to this thread🧵every now and then as I take them out from my scattered notes. Feel free to comment your tips and tricks which would help others, as well 👇
Please don't take any of these as medical advice 😂🙏. Real life stuff is much more nuanced. These are just clinchers for the sake of the exam.
1. Drug contraindications...
-Avoid BAN drugs in Asthma (Beta blockers, aspirin, NSAIDS) &
-DAMN drugs in diarrhoea (Diuretics, ACEIs, Metformin, NSAIDs)
Read 60 tweets
🧵on basic #inhaler technique b/c we can all do better educating our #copd #asthma patients 🫁

Studies show inhaler error is common & many pts aren’t taught how to use their inhalers properly

↑💊 ≠ always the answer

#MedTwitter #MedStudentTwitter #Tweetorial
Step 1: Actually ask how they use their inhaler😅

With so many types, it’s not surprising pts & providers get confused 😵‍💫

Esp in clinic, ⏰ is tight. But only takes a min to explain

Also pharmacists/RTs are amazing! I <3 using them when able

Let’s first discuss the common inhaler devices. Which one was used in the clip above?

Read 23 tweets
Dr. Wong's recent MS is 1 of 31 papers authored+co-authored by our T32 post-doctoral fellows since 2016. Grateful to @nih_nhlbi for funding our Training Program (T32 HL129949), given a pressing need for physician-scientists and scientists in pediatric pulmonary medicine. 1/3
Thankful for our T32 fellows -Drs. Tim Perkins, Anjani Ravindra, @catarmbruster, Rob Abood, @EricaLStevensMD, Soyeon Kim, @jeremy_landeo, Bo Zhai, Kristina Gaietto, + Matt Wong, our outstanding mentors and faculty, and our Exec. Committee-Drs. @EForno+ John Alcorn+ @morrisa1668
And very appreciative to our External Advisory Board - Drs. Tom Ferkol + Ed Silverman + Ben Gaston, @PittPediatrics + @ChildrensPgh. @NHLBI_LUNGDir
#BestGeneration #FundTheFuture #HealthEquity #Innovation #Discovery #Asthma #CF #ALI
Read 4 tweets
This 🧵 resonated. Trained in Houston, #asthma central, I was in this scenario SO many times.

I had the best #pediatric training at @TexasChildrens & @bcmhouston - you see it all.

Amazing that mere tweets can transmit humane, quality #MedEd teaching across the globe.
After moving to Boston I found myself surrounded by highly anxious doctors. We have an over abundance of resources and a healthier population. I saw people quick to overreact and manage (poorly) their own anxiety & need for control, with harmful aggressive overintervention.
I also do get being “Harvard” makes one a target. Juries are not going to understand “at the brink of death” and not intubating or the equivalent action in another scenario. “Jury of peers” is not present in a malpractice case. Good care can seem negligent, paradoxically.
Read 14 tweets

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