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IP/Tech Lawyer, Prof @NYULaw, Dir Special Projects and Sr Sports Ed. @GoodMenProject, writer, #socialjustiice #mentalhealth, @law_while_human 💫

Sep 7, 2022, 13 tweets

Mitch Lowe, one of the founders of Netflix, is the keynote speaker today @PulseCon_ . Speaking now.#pulsecon2022

“You may start out in one direction (mail order DVDs) and then need to pivot and change direction (streaming). The best employees are the ones who are comfortable with that ambiguity.” - Mitch Lowe


“The number one thing is to find out the thing your customers want you to do.” - Mitch Lowe

Reducing the amount of time for me to get the DVD a customer ordered was what drove the evolution to streaming …


The arrogance of leadership and not to be open to innovation is devastating. Blockbuster had the chance to acquire Netflix and told them “why would we ever do that - we know more than you ever will about this business”. They no longer exist.

Keep your eyes open to change. Sometimes these things take time. And it’s hard to give ideas enough time to develop esp when you’re funding it. (When Netflix first offered streaming there were no Smart TVs.) Many of the innovations we use today are < 20 yrs old

The innovative post play feature of adding “Next Episode” button, a seemingly small idea that came from the team working on it, was probably THE biggest driver in loyalty to Netflix.


The early klunky looking #metaverse iterations, implemented with big goggles are evolving - Apple has a product that looks like Ray Bans and uses voice commands. That is one box that is going to be checked. Of course there are others …


Netflix is still the #1 streamer but people are spending more time on TikTok and YouTube. These short form content platforms are growing dramatically. How will Netflix evolve? How will TikTok evolve?

There is so much content being created. How can we find what we want?

We are awash in data. The key is sifting through it to find the data that is important and actionable for your business.


We are now at same point with #metaverse as Netflix was at when it entered streaming. There were many unknowns and the tools to do what we wanted to do don’t yet exist. But the opportunity is massive.


Each sector of #metaverse,

- video games,
- AR/VR,
- digital assets IP licensing marketplace

… is projected to be a multi hundred billion dollar industry! It mirrors the evolution of the Internet. #web3


So be bold!!

. @threadreaderapp unroll

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