Parveen Kaswan Profile picture
#Conservation. #IISc Bangalore alumnus. BTech #Aerospace. Masters in Design. PGD in #Forestry. #Explorer. Personal a/c

Sep 11, 2022, 6 tweets

On this day in 1730, 363 Bishnois from Jodhpur were killed in Khejarli, when objected to felling of Khejri trees by the king. Day is celebrated as #ForestMartyrsDay. Scores of ground staff & officers have laid down their lives in protecting the ecological security of country.

When teams came to cut Khejri trees summons were sent to 83 Bishnoi villages.

The cry was “सिर साटे रुख रहे तो भी सस्तो जाण” which means even if head goes to save a tree then also it is worth.

With this 363 Bishnoi’s martyred to save trees led by Amrita Devi Bishnoi. 2/n

To commemorate the day of this 'bishnoi massacre' India observe this day as 'Forest Martyrs Day'.

The modern Chipko movement was spread in years & is considered as eco-feminist movement, led by women. And a movement for ownership of resources based on gandhian principles.

Scores of forest front line staff & officers laid their life on the line of duty. To pay homage this day is celebrated. Do you know #India is considered as deadliest country for forest rangers.

Between 2012-17, India accounted for nearly 31% of worlds ranger deaths.

An average one person is killed daily due to Man Animal conflict in India. Far from metro cities, it is a daily fight.

At times it is more difficult to control crowd than wildlife. Operating from locations very far from human habitations. Walking for kilometers daily.

They are true to the name; Foot Soldiers. As in #forests there are no other mean of transportation, even on rainy & cold nights. Patrolling in Mangroves of Sundarbans to Desert NP of Jaisalmer. From Coniferous forests of Himalayas to Marine NP in Andaman.

Lest we forget.

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