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News editor. Interests: Iran #IranProtests #1988Massacre #HumanRights #FreeIran @iran_policy @Maryam_Rajavi

Sep 20, 2022, 7 tweets

Chants of "Death to Khamenei" today on the streets of Iran

Ilam, 20 Sep: #IranProtests over the brutal state murder of #Mahsa_Amini (Video via MEK network in Iran)

Meanwhile in an affront to human rights, Ebrahim Raisi is at the #UNGA in NY. #RaisiMassMurderer #MahsaAmini

Protesters chanting "Don't be afraid; we're all together" in Iran's 2nd largest city Mashhad

Anti-regime #IranProtests over the murder of #Mahsa_Amini (via MEK network, 20 Sep)

Why is the #UNGA welcoming the regime's President Ebrahim Raisi in NY? #RaisiMassMurderer #MahsaAmini

Huge crowd in Iran chanting: "Our stupid police is a disgrace"

#IranProtests over the brutal state murder of #Mahsa_Amini (Video via MEK network in Hamedan, 20 Sep)

To its shame, the #UNGA has welcomed the regime's President Ebrahim Raisi in NY. #RaisiMassMurderer #MahsaAmini

In Ilam today, Iranians are chanting "Death to Khamenei" right in front of the police's eyes

Stunning images of the #IranProtests

- via the MEK network in Iran

Yet, in an affront to human rights, Ebrahim Raisi is at the #UNGA in NY. #RaisiMassMurderer #MahsaAmini #Mahsa_Amini

Chants of "Death to Khamenei" on the streets of Iran

Video of #IranProtests against the Supreme Leader, Kermanshah, 20 Sep

The MEK also reports protests in Tehran, Mashhad, Hamedan, Tabriz, Arak, Rasht, Qazvin, Zanjan & Ilam

#RaisiMassMurderer #MahsaAmini #Mahsa_Amini

Just listen to this chant in today's #IranProtests in Sari, northern Iran:

"We don't want the Islamic Republic"

The MEK also reports protests in Tehran, Kermanshah, Mashhad, Hamedan, Tabriz, Arak, Rasht, Qazvin, Zanjan & Ilam

#RaisiMassMurderer #MahsaAmini #Mahsa_Amini

In this video from Sanandaj, western Iran, today people are chanting "Death to the dictator" & "I will kill those who killed my sister"

Day 5 of #IranProtests over the brutal state murder of #Mahsa_Amini by the "morality police"

(via the MEK) #RaisiMassMurderer #MahsaAmini

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