M. Hanif Jazayeri Profile picture
News editor. Interests: Iran #IranProtests #1988Massacre #HumanRights #FreeIran @iran_policy @Maryam_Rajavi
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Sep 23, 2022 5 tweets 7 min read
Chants of "Freedom, freedom, freedom" tonight in Tehran

It's Day 8 of the #IranProtests and the regime's deadly crackdown has so far failed to silence the people of Iran. The MEK reports protests in 100+ cities in 30 out of 31 provinces. Khamenei's days are numbered. #MahsaAmini WOW! Tonight in Iran's capital, crowds chant: "This is the year that Seyyed Ali [Khamenei] will be overthrown"

The regime's deadly onslaught has failed to quash the #IranProtests for freedom

(via the MEK, 23 Sep, Sattarkhan Bridge, Tehran)

CC: @elonmusk @jk_rowling #MahsaAmini
Sep 21, 2022 19 tweets 21 min read
🔴THREAD - Live reports of the #IranProtests on 21 Sep from the MEK's network in Iran

Here's the scene in Amol today. Huge crowds of protesters are pushing back Khamenei's suppressive forces

#RaisiMassMurderer #MahsaAmini #Mahsa_Amini #IranProtests, update from Iran today:

In Tabriz MEK sources report clashes between protesters & the regime's security forces. Here protesters have set ablaze a police vehicle. There are chants of "Death to Khamenei" in the background

#RaisiMassMurderer #MahsaAmini #Mahsa_Amini
Sep 20, 2022 7 tweets 8 min read
WOW! Chants tonight in Tehran:

"This is the year Seyyed Ali [Khamenei] will be overthrown"

Day 5 of #IranProtests by a nation yearning for regime change. The MEK reports protests in dozens of cities

These protests in Iran need global coverage 🎥

#RaisiMassMurderer #MahsaAmini OMG!

Two young women go on top of 2 ransacked police vehicles chanting "We don't want an Islamic Republic" in Iran

Video: Mashhad (Iran's 2nd largest city), 20 Sep

The MEK reports similar #IranProtests in dozens of other cities today #RaisiMassMurderer #MahsaAmini #Mahsa_Amini
Sep 20, 2022 7 tweets 9 min read
Chants of "Death to Khamenei" today on the streets of Iran

Ilam, 20 Sep: #IranProtests over the brutal state murder of #Mahsa_Amini (Video via MEK network in Iran)

Meanwhile in an affront to human rights, Ebrahim Raisi is at the #UNGA in NY. #RaisiMassMurderer #MahsaAmini Protesters chanting "Don't be afraid; we're all together" in Iran's 2nd largest city Mashhad

Anti-regime #IranProtests over the murder of #Mahsa_Amini (via MEK network, 20 Sep)

Why is the #UNGA welcoming the regime's President Ebrahim Raisi in NY? #RaisiMassMurderer #MahsaAmini
Sep 16, 2022 6 tweets 7 min read
A protest is commencing now despite heavy police presence outside Tehran's Kasra Hospital where #MahsaAmini died earlier today.

Iran's so-called “morality police” beat & arbitrarily arrested her 3 days ago while enforcing the regime's discriminatory forced veiling laws. Police are trying to break up a protest taking place outside Tehran's Kasra Hospital where 22-year-old Iranian Kurdish woman #MahsaAmini died today.

Iran's so-called “morality police” beat & arbitrarily arrested Mahsa 3 days ago while enforcing the regime's forced veiling laws.
Jul 27, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
VIDEO: Iran recruiting child soldiers in 🇺🇸

State media airs video of kids in Houston TX swearing allegiance to the regime's Supreme Leader Khamenei

They sing "Don't look at my young age" "I will be your soldier" "I make an oath. One day when you need me, I will be your martyr" UPDATE There's evidence indicating that this propaganda video in which kids in Houston TX were made to swear allegiance to the Iranian regime's Supreme Leader was produced by the Islamic Education Center, 2313 S Voss Road

IEC has posted the film on its @facebook page

Jun 10, 2022 9 tweets 6 min read
THREAD on impunity in Iran ⬇️

Ebrahim Raisi's government has sent a new law to Parliament for ratification that would allow all armed forces or agents in Iran to be able to use their weapons to attack dissident protesters without fear of consequences, state media reported today. Image While the opposition routinely sends out footage from Iran via social media of armed forces shooting at defenceless protesters, the new law is aimed at giving blanket immunity to those armed forces who are caught firing at people during the #IranProtests.

May 15, 2022 4 tweets 10 min read
In a stunning revelation last Friday, Iran's main opposition NCRI published the names and photographs of over 22,000 Iranian prison wardens, interrogators, intelligence agents, and other #humanrights abusers

MORE: ncr-iran.org/en/ncri-statem…

@mbachelet @AgnesCallamard @JavaidRehman @mbachelet @AgnesCallamard @JavaidRehman Altogether the names/details of 33000 Iranian prison officials, wardens, interrogators, intelligence agents & executioners were made public at a press conference in Paris on 13 May. The treasure trove of info contains 22000 photos of personnel involved in #humanrights violations.
Jul 31, 2021 4 tweets 4 min read
Workers in Iran today chant against the regime's #internetshutdown:

"They support corrupt people and fear the internet"

@netblocks reported significant internet disruption this week as the regime seeks to muffle #IranProtests

CC @eu_eeas @StateDRL

(via MEK activists in Shush) Chants of "Khuzestan has no water" in Tehran on Day 17 of #IranProtests.

The regime has been unable to end the protests despite a deadly crackdown and disruptions to the internet. The MEK report numerous similar anti-regime protests today in Shush and other parts of Iran.
Aug 17, 2020 20 tweets 28 min read
Senior editors of @amconmag have ties to @NIACouncil & have published hundreds of items attacking US policy & promoting Iran's regime. My new scoop for @IranNewsUpdate1

I'm posting key findings as a thread

CC: @johnnyburtka @DanielLarison @j_arthur_bloom
irannewsupdate.com/news/general/7… The American Conservative @amconmag is secretly working w/ Iran's lobby @NIACouncil

In 2018 its panel included NIAC founder @tparsi. It has systematically run ~400 pro-regime pieces echoing @JZarif's talking points that also attack Trump Admin policies & officials inc @SecPompeo
Mar 8, 2020 8 tweets 5 min read
THREAD on Iran's economic meltdown:

The regime's Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei last Wednesday issued an Executive Order sending Iran's 2020-2021 budget bill to the Guardian Council without Parliament's approval, using the #Coronavirus crisis as an excuse.
en.parliran.ir/eng/en/Content… By bypassing lawmakers Khamenei hasn't solved Iran's economic crisis. He's simply swept it under the rug. The new budget is 20176016794000000 Rials.
~20000 trillion Rials = $480 billion (official rate) or $132 billion (actual rate). The regime has nowhere near that kind of income
Feb 18, 2020 14 tweets 59 min read
THREAD @PatrickKingsley's @nytimes piece on Iran's MEK is contradictory, fails to offer an objective view & oddly enough has no "scoop". It's just slander. PK says he was allowed in MEK's camp for 9hrs, which in itself undermines his attempt to portray them as secretive & closed. @PatrickKingsley @nytimes @nytimesworld @amsafavi @iran_policy @USEmbassyTirana @StateDept .@PatrickKingsley's piece on the Iranian opposition in 🇦🇱 just doesn't make sense:
He both claims the MEK deny the media access to their camp, but says he was allowed in
He claims he wanted to interview MEK ppl, but then describes their remarks to him as "propaganda sessions"
Feb 4, 2020 4 tweets 22 min read
A group of US-based "analysts" spoke by video-call Monday at an event called "America's Demise" held by Iran's Intel Ministry aimed at boosting IRGC morale after Soleimani's death. @FBI should do a background check on these ppl for possible US law violations.
CC: @PressSec THREAD @FBI @PressSec @Heminator @RichardGrenell @DonaldJTrumpJr @ProfMJCleveland @mschlapp @nedryun @RealSaavedra @MPPregent @RobManess @KurtSchlichter US speakers at "America's Demise" event in Iran
Anthony Hall @ahtribune
Alison Weir @ifamericansknew
@gpduf, @veteranstoday
@EMichaelJones1, @CultureWarsMag
Michael Maloof, ex DoD
Scott Bennett, ex Army
Jan 12, 2020 24 tweets 169 min read
#IranProtests Day 2: Students at Tehran's Beheshti University target Khamenei & Iran's previous dictators:
"Death to the oppressor; be it the Shah or the [Supreme] Leader"
"Commander-in-chief, resign, resign"

via MEK #FreeIran2020
@realDonaldTrump @PressSec @SecPompeo @Scavino45 @realDonaldTrump @PressSec @SecPompeo @Scavino45 In Isfahan on day 2 of #IranProtests students of the University of Technology chant against Ali Khamenei & his Revolutionary Guards: "The IRGC commits crimes. The [Supreme] Leader supports them"

MEK activists in Iran reports protests in Tehran, Karaj & Damqan too

@StateDept @VP
Jan 11, 2020 20 tweets 95 min read
"IRGC, shame on you. Let go of our country" - chants at #IranProtests today in Tehran's Amirkabir University after the Revolutionary Guards admit to shooting down a #UkrainianPlane. Today @Maryam_Rajavi called it a great crime that Iran's people will neither forgive nor forget. @Maryam_Rajavi "Death to the dictator" being chanted by students in Iran's capital today after IRGC admits it was responsible for #UkrainePlaneCrash. MEK sources at the scene in Amirkabir Uni say other chants include "We will not praise the murderous [Supreme] Leader" #IranProtests
CC @PressSec
Jan 9, 2020 6 tweets 20 min read
Yesterday the Supreme Leader of Iran's regime Ali Khamenei attacked Albania for hosting the MEK which he said had plotted the recent #IranProtests.
His remarks prompted strong reactions from Albanian PM @ediramaal, President @ilirmetazyrtar & Diaspora Minister @PandeliMajko. @ediramaal @ilirmetazyrtar @PandeliMajko "Iran must respect international agreements, international laws."
"Albania is not an evil country but a democratic country that has suffered from an evil dictatorship unparalleled in its kind therefor considers human rights sacred."
- @ilirmetazyrtar

Jan 4, 2020 4 tweets 22 min read
Do any US military VETs find it offensive of @wrightr to compare the Iranian regime's terrorist Qods Force to @us_navyseals, @USArmy Delta Force & Rangers?

Her description of Soleimani in @NewYorker is seriously creepy.

CC @JessieJaneDuff @JesseKellyDC @RobManess
@JackPosobiec @wrightr @us_navyseals @USArmy @NewYorker @JessieJaneDuff @JesseKellyDC @RobManess @JackPosobiec @JimHansonDC @KurtSchlichter @streiffredstate @NikkiHaley @SenMcSallyAZ @mjgranger1 @JGilliam_SEAL @MPPregent @NeilWMcCabe2 @LToddWood Spot the difference:
@nytimes' new cover story about Soleimani mirrors Iran's state media propaganda.
@farnazfassihi claims this terrorist/mass murderer "was almost universally admired". Actually, he was universally detested by all in the region.
Dec 17, 2019 6 tweets 43 min read
Today's letter by @Ilhan, @RepBarbaraLee & @RepRaulGrijalva was probably drafted by Iran's mullahs.
They're objecting to "the designation of Iran's Central Bank under terror authorities".
PS: @NIACouncil helped draft the text
PPS: Iran's ppl support sanctions on their oppressors @Ilhan @RepBarbaraLee @RepRaulGrijalva @NIACouncil @SecPompeo @USTreasury @SenTedCruz @DonaldJTrumpJr @davereaboi @RichardGrenell @mercedesschlapp @hughhewitt @mschlapp @RepLeeZeldin Did some digging over the letter's authors. Found out @NIACouncil (Iran rgm's lobby in the US) has a mole in Congress. @samira_says is now a permanent Legislative Assistant in the Office of @RepBarbaraLee. That could potentially give her (& the regime) access to US citizens' data
Nov 23, 2019 14 tweets 45 min read
New video clips of the #IranProtests emerge as limited internet is restored in Iran after 1 week. The woman filming says she can't go forward due to teargas. The MEK has now confirmed the names of 99 protesters out of 285 killed by the regime.
- Tehran's Sadeqieh district, Nov 17 "Guns, tanks & fireworks. Rouhani must get lost" - chants at #IranProtests in Kerman, sent out of Iran via MEK activists with a delay due to 1 week of internet shut down. Iranians want an end to the mullahs' regime.

@RichardGrenell @MessageFromLen @statedeptspox
Nov 18, 2019 14 tweets 75 min read
The Basij are using live rounds against unarmed protesters in Karaj.
Latest death count for protesters is 67.
(Footage via MEK activists in Iran on day 4 of #IranProtests)

@RichardGrenell @mercedesschlapp @EricShawnTV @seanhannity @PressSec @statedeptspox @RichardGrenell @mercedesschlapp @EricShawnTV @seanhannity @PressSec @statedeptspox Iran regime's troops are shooting unarmed protesters from the air as people chant "Death to Khamenei." (Footage sent out via MEK activists from yesterday's #IranProtests in Shiraz)

@RichardGrenell @piersmorgan @statedeptspox @PressSec @VPPressSec @FCOHumanRights @UNHumanRights
Nov 15, 2019 51 tweets 461 min read
#IranProtests Angry ppl close down highway between Dezful & Shushtar over fuel price hike in Iran. The regime is deeply fearful of further unrest after it raised fuel prices 50% to offset US sanctions.

(video via MEK network)

CC: @ArthurSchwartz @DonaldJTrumpJr @PoliticalShort @ArthurSchwartz @DonaldJTrumpJr @PoliticalShort … and this is Mahshahr, Iran, where ppl are setting tires ablaze & blocking traffic in anger over the regime's decision to raise fuel prices. #IranProtests also reported in Ahvaz & Khorramshahr (video via MEK activists)
@realDonaldTrump @seanhannity @EricShawnTV @DonaldJTrumpJr