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News editor. Interests: Iran #IranProtests #1988Massacre #HumanRights #FreeIran @iran_policy @Maryam_Rajavi

Sep 21, 2022, 19 tweets

🔴THREAD - Live reports of the #IranProtests on 21 Sep from the MEK's network in Iran

Here's the scene in Amol today. Huge crowds of protesters are pushing back Khamenei's suppressive forces

#RaisiMassMurderer #MahsaAmini #Mahsa_Amini

#IranProtests, update from Iran today:

In Tabriz MEK sources report clashes between protesters & the regime's security forces. Here protesters have set ablaze a police vehicle. There are chants of "Death to Khamenei" in the background

#RaisiMassMurderer #MahsaAmini #Mahsa_Amini

#IranProtests, update from Iran:

In Ilam, protesters are chanting "Don't be afraid. We are all together" (21 Sep)

MEK sources report similar protests in Tehran and other cities too.

#RaisiMassMurderer #MahsaAmini #Mahsa_Amini

#IranProtests, update from Iran:

Here's the scene in Marvdasht. Protesters are chanting against the regime: "The mullahs must get lost"

The MEK reports similar protests in Tehran and other cities.

#RaisiMassMurderer #MahsaAmini #Mahsa_Amini

#IranProtests, update from Iran, 21 Sep:

In Eslamabad-e-Gharb, a huge crowd of protesters is marching down the street with defiant chants of "Death to Khamenei"

MEK sources report similar protests in Tehran and other cities too.

#RaisiMassMurderer #MahsaAmini #Mahsa_Amini

#IranProtests, update from Iran, 21 Sep:

In Gonbad-e Kavus, protesters in the city center are chanting: "The mullahs must get lost".

MEK sources report similar protests in Tehran and other cities too. Iranians seek regime change.

#RaisiMassMurderer #MahsaAmini #Mahsa_Amini

#IranProtests, update from Iran, 21 Sep:

In Amol, protesters just tore down a huge banner of the regime's Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei to sounds of applause.

MEK sources report similar protests in Tehran & other cities. Iranians want regime change. #RaisiMassMurderer #MahsaAmini

#IranProtests, update from Iran, 21 Sep:

In Shahsavar, protesters just set ablaze an outpost belonging to Khamenei's suppressive security forces. The people have all but lost their fear of the regime.

The MEK reports protests in dozens of cities.

#RaisiMassMurderer #MahsaAmini

#IranProtests, update from Iran, 21 Sep:

In Nowshahr, protesters have overcome the regime's suppressive forces. Here's a scene with them jumping on police vehicles.

MEK sources report similar protests in dozens of cities today.

#RaisiMassMurderer #MahsaAmini #Mahsa_Amini

#IranProtests, update from Iran, 21 Sep:

In Shahr-e-Rey, protesters are now chanting against the regime's Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei.

Chants of: "Death to Khamenei"

MEK sources report similar protests in Tehran and other cities.

#RaisiMassMurderer #MahsaAmini #Mahsa_Amini

🔴Notable video from the #IranProtests, 21 Sep:

In Amol, protesters just forced their way into the Governor's Office. Earlier they tore down Khamenei's banner in the city center.

MEK sources report similar protests in dozens of cities in Iran.

#RaisiMassMurderer #MahsaAmini

🔴Notable video from the #IranProtests, 21 Sep:

The Governor's Office is now on fire in Amol. Protesters seeking an end to Khamenei's regime have taken over the city.

MEK sources report similar protests in dozens of cities in Iran.

#RaisiMassMurderer #MahsaAmini #Mahsa_Amini

🔴Notable video from the #IranProtests, 21 Sep:

Huge crowds in Varamin chanting: "Khamenei is a murderer. His rule is illegitimate"

MEK sources report similar protests in dozens of cities in Iran. Iranians are determined to achieve regime change.

#RaisiMassMurderer #MahsaAmini

🔴Notable video - #IranProtests, 21 Sep:

In Kerman, hometown of IRGC terror chief Qassem Soleimani, protesters just burnt his banner even as Ebrahim Raisi raised his photo at the #UNGA today

The people of Iran don't support the regime. The MEK reports nationwide protests today.

#IranProtests, update from Iran, 21 Sep:

In Babol a large crowd is chanting "I will kill those who killed my sister" in reference to the brutal murder of #MahsaAmini by Iran's "morality police"

The MEK reports protests in dozens of other cities.

#RaisiMassMurderer #Mahsa_Amini

#IranProtests, update from Iran, 21 Sep:

Chants of "Death to the dictator" tonight in Varamin

MEK sources report similar protests in dozens of cities.

#RaisiMassMurderer #MahsaAmini #Mahsa_Amini

#IranProtests, update from Iran, 21 Sep:

In Tonekabon, anti-regime protesters just set ablaze a police outpost.

MEK sources report protests in dozens of cities across Iran tonight.

#RaisiMassMurderer #MahsaAmini #Mahsa_Amini

🔴 #IranProtests update, 21 Sep:

The scene in Nowshahr tonight. One police car toppled, the other on fire. Chants of "Death to Khamenei" in the background. This is Iran.

MEK sources report similar protests in dozens of other cities.

#RaisiMassMurderer #MahsaAmini #Mahsa_Amini

#IranProtests update, 21 Sep:

In Babol protesters tear down posters of Khamenei & Khomeini to cries of joy & chants of "Death to the Dictator"

The MEK reports protests nationwide. The global press need to report on the revolutionary state of Iran

#RaisiMassMurderer #MahsaAmini

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