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Sep 26, 2022, 5 tweets

Morning update:

Crazy times, as soon as the #FX market opened, the British pound dropped hard against the dollar👀📉

#GBP #usdgbp

Same story when it comes to #EUR, just not so extreme📉🤦‍♂️

Meanwhile, #Bitcoin is holding quite well. We will need to wait for the stock market open to see how things play out before celebrating tho👀 In our view, a short-term bounce is likely and then we will be most probably making new lows📉

One thing to watch this week is Apple stock, which will likely be the last domino to fall. It is now at crucial support of $150. If it loses this level, new lows for the stock market as well as crypto are likely in play📉🤔

Here are also the events to watch this week👀👇

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