Clooney Foundation for Justice Profile picture
George and Amal Clooney created the Clooney Foundation for Justice (CFJ) to wage justice for vulnerable people and pursue perpetrators of human rights abuses.

Sep 26, 2022, 8 tweets

This week in New York we will honor some brave and brilliant justice defenders from all over the world in our inaugural Albie Awards, named after Justice Albie Sachs, revered for his heroic commitment to ending apartheid in South Africa. #TheAlbies…

On September 29. five awards will be given to some remarkable people and organisations who have put themselves at great risk in the name of justice.

A Lifetime Achievement Award will be presented to Albie Sachs, for his service in helping to write the Constitution of #SouthAfrica, and his fifteen years on the country's Constitutional Court at the appointment of #NelsonMandela his seminal role in the anti-apartheid movement.

Journalist and Nobel Peace Prize recipient @mariaressa will be given the Justice for Journalists Award. She is currently facing a prison sentence for her journalism in the #Philippines

The remarkable @iact will be presented the Justice for Survivors Award for its work alongside survivors of genocide and other mass atrocities.

Belarusian group @viasna96 will received the Justice for Democracy Defenders Award for fearlessly & professionally documenting human rights abuses and defending freedom in #Belarus. Many of Viasna’s members are behind bars or were forced to flee the country because of their work.

Our Justice for Women award will be presented to Dr. Josephine Kulea for @SamburuGirlsFDN which works in Kenya to rescue girls from child marriage and other harmful practices.

#TheAlbies would not be possible without the partnership of @CTilburyMakeup, @Microsoft, Giorgio @armani, and many others!

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