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Sep 29, 2022, 9 tweets

A large number of police officers are already on the scene outside the Berlin venue hosting a live @jordanbpeterson event tonight. #Antifa have planned for weeks to try to stop the event.…

#Antifa's direct action against #JordanPeterson is already underway in Berlin. They earlier plastered posters against him around the city. One reads, "no show (allowed) for sexists & racists."…

A large group of #Antifa militants are holding a procession in their march to the Tempodrom venue in Berlin where #JordanPeterson is speaking tonight. They're hiding behind masks & large banners. A vehicle transporting large speakers is part of their group. #Peterson

A close look at some of the #Antifa militants involved in the Berlin direct action to stop #JordanPeterson's event tonight:

Berlin: #Antifa marched to the Tempodrom venue to try to shut down #JordanPeterson's event but have been blocked from getting inside by the police. #Peterson

Berlin: #Antifa give a speech in English during their march to the venue hosting the #JordanPeterson event. They connect him to fascism & say he must never be allowed to speak publicly anywhere. #Peterson

Berlin: #Antifa shut down the road in their direct action march to the Tempodrom venue where #JordanPeterson is speaking at a live event.

#Antifa surrounded the front of the #Berlin venue where #JordanPeterson is speaking but was held back by a line of police. They scream and shout at people heading inside the venue. #Peterson

Berlin: Unable to go inside the Tempodrom venue to stop the #JordanPeterson event because of a large police presence, #Antifa stood outside & screamed. A speaker also threatened #Peterson. Antifa eventually gave up since they couldn't get inside & told their comrades to go home.

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