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Oct 5, 2022, 10 tweets

Breaking: An indigenous-owned cafe in Portland, Ore. scheduled to host a "coffee with a cop" community event was smashed up & sprayed w/paint everywhere by 6 masked assailants using hammers & crowbars. #Antifa are celebrating the attack on social media. From Bison Coffeehouse:

#Antifa accounts in #Portland say the attack on the indigenous-owned cafe (Bison) was retaliation for them agreeing to host a community event where people could speak to cops over coffee. They're justifying it because the cafe's IG allegedly followed Trump.

#Portland mayor @tedwheeler has condemned the vandalism on the Bison Coffeehouse & is calling for potential federal hate crime charges. (The attack is being praised by #Antifa as retaliation for the cafe agreeing to host "coffee with cop" community event.)

#Antifa accounts in #Portland are continuing to express joy over the attack on the indigenous woman-owned Bison Coffeehouse. After smashing the front windows, the masked vandals sprayed paint inside, destroying Native American art in the process.

The owner of Bison Coffeehouse has set up a GFM to cover costs of the severe damage to her family business. After agreeing to host a #Portland "Coffee with a Cop" event, far-left extremists targeted her business' social media. The cafe was then attacked.…

#Antifa accounts say windows cannot be "attacked" to justify the violent targeting of the idigenous-owned and themed Bison Coffeehouse in #Portland.

Some far-left accounts in #Portland are upset that white-owned businesses weren't targeted more or in addition to the attack on the Bison Coffeehouse. One account asks why the Arlington Club or the @PDX_BizAlliance weren't smashed up. #Antifa

Jennifer Thompson, the #Portland #Antifa member & BLM activist who boasted about aborting her 7-month-old black daughter by getting an injection to stop the fetus' heart, questions why white-owned businesses weren't targeted above the Bison Coffeehouse.

.@PortlandPolice has issued a press release about the violent attack on the Bison Coffeehouse in #Portland. The indigenous woman-owned cafe volunteered to host a "Coffee with a Cop" community event, angering far-left extremists & #Antifa. No arrests made.…

Surveillance video captured 6 masked individuals in black bloc carrying out an attack on the indigenous woman-owned Bison Coffeehouse in Portland on Oct. 5.
Online, #Antifa accounts celebrated the attack, saying it was retribution for the cafe hosting "coffee with a cop" event.

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