Andrew Carrier 🍸 Profile picture
CMO with a passion for finance, technology and the media. Writes #IMTW and helps @Quant_Network deliver #TheFoundationOfTheBlockchainEconomy.

Oct 9, 2022, 5 tweets

In this week’s #InMarketing briefing, on the eve of #Sibos, I consider @swiftcommunity’s brand evolution and conclude that the first rule of rebranding should be ‘do no harm’.

Have a productive week.

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#IMTW #Marketing

I also flag the cooperative's new #CBDC testing, @quant_network's guide to #Sibos, and Kim Kardashian's little contretemps with the @SECGov. The last word goes to @JanineJoyHirt of @InnFin on the need to support #fintech founders.

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#IMTW #Marketing

This week, you’ll learn why:

① The digital and social age has forced brands to evolve.

② Your brand’s appearance should be revered.

③ The hurdles to #CBDC adoption by traditional finance are not technical.

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#IMTW #Marketing

④ #DigitalAssets are ready for centre stage.

⑤ Regulators are clamping down not just on crypto trading but its marketing.

⑥ Working for the world’s most admired tech brand, requires palpable passion.

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#IMTW #Marketing

⑦ The UK’s dominance in #fintech depends on supporting the next generation.

Don’t settle for marketing. Aspire to #InMarketing: innovate, interact, influence. 

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#IMTW #Marketing

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