Igor Kyivskyi Profile picture
Now about the war in Ukraine and events in the world.

Oct 10, 2022, 10 tweets

When 🇷🇺 already openly says it is striking at civilian facilities and critical infrastructure.And not like they used to lie"about military facilities"when they bombed peaceful cities.This already shows complete agony.The terrorist country no longer hides that it is a terrorist

Rushists, you will be responsible for everything. You will have no peace anywhere on this planet. If you're thinking of hiding in your hole called Russia, you're wrong. The time will come, each of you terrorist fascists will be fully responsible for everything.

Having suffered a defeat from the Ukrainian army on the battlefield,
the🇷🇺carries out terrorist attacks against the population. It says more than just how pathetic they are.But also the fact that they are simply not capable of waging war.But they can only fight against civilians

This is the bomb shelter of Okhmatdet Hospital. Parents with sick children are forced to be in such conditions as to save them from Russian missiles. This polyclinic treats many children with cancer and other serious diseases twitter.com/i/web/status/1…

An indomitable people, an indomitable country. russian terrorists will never break us, our freedom. Victory will be ours. p.s. Ukrainians sing songs in the subway during rocket attacks🇺🇦

Kyiv after today's missile strike

The targets for terrorists’ missiles in all the cities of our country are civilian, cultural and educational facilities. Who can rejoice at strikes on such objects and such land? Only terrorists!»


Russia is calling for bombing peaceful cities and critical infrastructure. Officially. On TV. They can't fight on the battlefield! They called for further terrorism, already openly and without hiding it. Fascist country
#russiaisateroriststate #RussiaisATerroistState

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