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Medium smart award-winning, alt-right Oprah

Oct 10, 2022, 8 tweets

"Every individual" includes children. "STERILIZATION" is right there in the language. #Prop3 is going to make it a CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT for kids to transition or get abortions without parental knowledge or consent.

This will also make it perfectly legal for a rapist who is 25 to take a 10-year-old victim for an abortion in Michigan and not be penalized for the rape. It erases the age of consent which was always what the #Groomers wanted, btw.

There's a reason why "accepted clinical standards of practice and evidence-based medicine" is written here. That's not about abortion. It's about "trans affirming" theology. As long as the medical people say it's fine, you MUST LET YOUR KID DO IT

This is a terrible amendment to the #Michigan Constitution and you all need to VOTE NO on #Prop3 Join me tomorrow as I break this down on the live stream. 11am EDT…

Look at the funding this thing had from the @ACLU, the enemy of the people. 10 MIL vs. 400k that the opposition raised. How is this fair? How did this get on the ballot with a majority of Republicans in charge?

Yet another state where Republicans have majorities in both houses but can't keep ballot measures like this from going in front of voters. In Chicago when Dems don't want something on the ballot they sue until they get it tossed. Do Republicans know this trick?

.@MIGOP I'm doing a live show about this travesty tomorrow if you have anyone who wants to come on and explain what can be done at this point and let people know how you're getting the word out you're invited. DM me!

Also, warrior for parents and children @CourageHabit will be joining me on the stream

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