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Jun 19th 2023
"Me and My Motherland", a Song Dedicated to the 70th Anniversary of the #CCP Regime by #Gotion High-Tech, which just got a green light from the #Biden Administration @POTUS to build EV battery factories in #Michgan, on the basis that it is not a "Foreign Entity of Concern". It……
This video was downloaded from Gotion High-Tech's Chinese website at English subtitles were translated and added by me.
My full exclusive report about this issue: #Gotion Exposed: How Did a #CCP Controlled #Military Linked Dishonest Company Get #US Approval
Part 1:
Read 7 tweets
Jun 12th 2023
LIVE COVERAGE Day 1 #Trial | MI v. #MeganImirowicz #Imirowicz #SleepingFatherMurderTrial

Not started yet, so I’ll add comments to this Tweet when they do come on. Rumble Livestream Link will be in comments.… via @YouTube
Rumble Live-stream Link…
UPDATE: #MeganImirowicz #SleepingFatherDeathTrial

Neither COURTTV nor #JudgeValenine's Court Cams are on. Both YouTube & Rumble Live-streams are on we're going to be watching #KouriRichin's Hearing #Utah in a few moments while we wait.

POSSIBLY Jury Selection won't be on TV?
Read 9 tweets
Mar 28th 2023
#GlobalPamphlet | Do you know that 53 people are killed daily by a firearm in the US?

Read this #thread to know how the superpower has been suffering from gun violence!

The #UnitedStates, with its army, adores bringing peace and democracy to every nook and corner of the globe but its own home is saddled with bullets and blood.

In a recent incident at a Tennessee school in #Nashville, a transgender ex-student shot dead 3 children and 3 adult staffers!

Credit: @SkyNews

Read 17 tweets
Feb 26th 2023
On Feb. 3, #EastPalestine abruptly changed when a #NorfolkSouthern train carrying 151 cars derailed.

Here is a timeline of the train derailment and the aftermath:…
Feb. 3
Around 9 p.m., a Norfolk Southern train carrying 151 cars derailed in East Palestine.

Fifty cars derailed, the @NTSB reported. The crash sparked a fire, and 11 of the cars contained hazardous chemicals, which soared into the air and onto the ground.
Feb. 4
#EastPalestine Mayor Trent Conaway declared a state of emergency.

Residents in East Palestine and surrounding communities were asked to leave the area.
Read 37 tweets
Feb 14th 2023
🚨🇺🇸 Spari alla #Michigan State University.
Già un morto accertato e diversi feriti. Polizia in azione alla ricerca di un "uomo di bassa statura con indosso una maschera". Panico nel campus universitario che ospita 50mila studenti.

🚨🇺🇸 La polizia ha rilasciato la foto del ricercato.

🚨🇺🇸 La polizia in conferenza stampa ha parlato di 5 feriti ma ancora nessuna vittima acclarata, smentendo così le notizie inizialmente diffuse dai media, tra cui la CNN, rispetto all'uccisione di almeno una persona.
Read 4 tweets
Feb 14th 2023
BREAKING: Active Shooter Reported At #Michigan State University.
UPDATE: Multiple Victims Are Being Transported To Hospitals Near @michiganstateu After An Active Shooter On Campus.
The @FBIDetroit Has Confirmed They Have Responded.
UPDATE: Mass Shooting Scene At @michiganstateu.
Multiple Fatalities Reported By First Responders. Shooter Is Still At Large.
Read 19 tweets
Feb 14th 2023
🚨#BREAKING: Active shooter at Michigan State University, reports of multiple victims

📌#EastLansing | #Michigan

Currently, Multiple police are responding to an active shooter Police are reporting multiple shots have been fired on or near the Michigan State University……
🚨#UPDATE: Multiple people are injured; dispatchers report 911 callers are screaming on the line
🚨#UPDATE: Shooting has been confirmed on Michigan State University campus, multiple victims reported. Lockdowns and evacuations ongoing.
Read 5 tweets
Feb 13th 2023
The US military has shot down 4 flying objects over North American airspace over the past 8 days.

3 of the objects remain unidentified as of late Sunday, and were separately shot down within 3 days.

Here’s what we know so far about these 4 objects👇…
Feb. 4: #ChineseSpyBalloon Shot Down
The 1st object was initially reported as unidentified until US officials said it was a Chinese surveillance balloon.

The @WhiteHouse and Pentagon said the balloon had violated US sovereignty by entering US airspace without permission.
The 200 feet-tall balloon was first reported after being seen by civilians in #Montana, after which it was allowed to traverse across the US, despite the maneuverable balloon passing over the site of sensitive airbases and strategic nuclear missile silos.
Read 13 tweets
Feb 2nd 2023
Kicking off #BlackHistoryMonth w/ an appreciation thread of physicians:

1/ Charles R. Drew, MD

- American surgeon & researcher
- pioneer in the field of blood transfusions
- developed techniques for blood storage
- first African-American surgeon to examine for @AmCollSurgeons Image
2/ Vivien Thomas

- cardiac surgery pioneer & lab supervisor who developed procedure used to treat cyanotic heart disease
- supervised surgical labs at Johns Hopkins for 35 yrs
- awarded honorary doctorate & named an instructor of surgery @JohnsHopkins

#BlackHistoryMonth Image
3/ LaSalle D. LeFall, Jr. MD

- Surgeon, oncologist & medical educator
- first black physician to pursue training in surgical oncology @sloan_kettering
- first black president of @AmericanCancer (1978) & @AmCollSurgeons (1995)

#BlackHistoryMonth   #equanimityunderduress Image
Read 26 tweets
Jan 30th 2023
World Economic Forum founder's right testicle, Yuval Noah Harari #WEF Freewill? Well, "that is over" according to this jizz rag.
It's Mr. ball bag himself, Kuck Schlob-a-knob. Image
Won't play?
Read 44 tweets
Jan 6th 2023
👉🏻 #TCU is not your typical 3-High attack

Let me explain...

#ArtofX ⤵️
The Horned Frogs have THE lowest blitz rates in CFB at 11.6%, & the second lowest stunt rate at 9% (PFF).

They also deviate from the coverage norm, based in Qtrs rather than the typical C2.

#ArtofX ⤵️
One major way #TCU changes its structure is by dropping the MS into the overhang position.

Below, you can see that the Frogs have shifted the LBs to the nub & slid the MS down into the "Ni."

To the "stack," the Frogs are running C2 & away MEG Qtrs.

#ArtofX ⤵️
Read 14 tweets
Dec 24th 2022
#COVID19 #VariantDashboard - #UnitedStates

TOP lineages (15-DAY TRENDS):

14.7% BQ.1.1
11.4% BQ.1
10.3% XBB.1.5👀
7.7% BQ.1.22
3.9% XBB.1
2.3% BQ.1.1.3
2.2% BQ.1.2
2.2% BQ.1.3
2.1% BQ.1.12


#OmicronUpdates 12/23/22
1/n Image
Sequence count by US State

California and New York have submitted a huge share of sequences with specimen collection dates in the last 15 days.

2/n Image
Granular details -#VariantDashboard #USA #15DayTrends

3/n Image
Read 20 tweets
Dec 13th 2022
Recruiter for neo-#nazi terror group The Base released to home detention

In 2020, 3 members (found guilty) of the #nazi/white supremacist group The Base were arrested for plotting to murder an Antifa couple…

Why is The Base such a threat? Because they are not one specific group of extremists - they are a group that joins any like-minded extremist and accelerationist groups for para-military irl training in preparation for a future race war.
#EndRacism Image
Read 14 tweets
Dec 1st 2022
The second day of the 2022 White House Tribal Nations Summit is about to begin. Tune in!


#TribalNationsSummit #WHTNS
It looks like those streams are already down so for those tuning in from home or the office, try this one instead:

Or even try this one, which seems to be working:…
Read 51 tweets
Nov 13th 2022
2022 #Midterms Simulation: #ArtoftheGerrymander

A Republican House win will be built on gerrymanders (TX/GA/FL/TN/LA, etc.)

To illustrate the need for fair maps, I'm calculating the results using the 2022 votes, but if every state had a Democratic gerrymander. #ElectionTwitter ImageImageImageImage

I’ll apply the difference in Presidential margin to the House result. Thanks @davesredist @mikemathieu @vest_team + @DKElections @PoliticsWolf

Keen to see how my maps perform over the decade; tried to comply with state law if partisan intent were allowed to stand.
#ArtoftheGerrymander: #Alabama
Trump 62.0% - Biden 36.6%
Real delegation: 6R-1D
Gerrymandered: 5R-2D
Δ Share of D seats: 14% => 28%
Easy Democratic pick-up of a safe new African American seat.… ImageImageImage
Read 111 tweets
Nov 10th 2022
THANK YOU election officials/poll workers/volunteers who worked & continue to work to ensure that #Midterms2022 are carried out successfully. Nationally this election has been free of major issues, and Americans should feel confident about the voting/vote counting process. Image
While many are focused on the horse race for control of #Congress it is worth noting that #Midterms2022 produced a number of pro-democracy gains through ballot initiatives, many of which received strong majority support. #DemocracyWins
#Arizona: The “Voters Right to Know Act” (Prop. 211) brings transparency to elections by requiring election spenders to disclose the original sources of their funding. Thank you @TerryGoddardAZ for leading on this effort.…
Read 6 tweets
Nov 7th 2022
I candidati repubblicani negli Stati chiave cercano sempre di più di bloccare i voti via posta espressi dai democratici, che accusano: si tratta di tentativi di impedire il voto dei gruppi più svantaggiati. Thread a seguire 🧵⤵️
In #Pennsylvania, la Corte Suprema statale ha dato ragione al Comitato Nazionale Repubblicano sul fatto che i funzionari elettorali non devono contare le schede su cui l'elettore ha trascurato di apporre la data sulla busta esterna.
In particolare anche nei casi in cui le schede sono arrivate prima del giorno delle elezioni e quindi altrimenti sarebbero pienamente legittime. Di conseguenza, migliaia di schede votare via posta sono state accantonate, tanto da poter cambiare il risultato in una sfida serrata.
Read 21 tweets
Nov 1st 2022
ICYMI: A lot is at stake in this year's midterms📢

Now that the federal constitutional right to abortion is overturned, state policies matter more than ever

5 states have initiatives on the ballot this year that will shape abortion access – a record. Let's talk through them🧵
In terms of protective measures, voters in CA, MI and VT can vote to explicitly protect abortion rights in their state constitutions.

Why does this matter?

💪Strengthens state-level access to abortion

🚫Blocks additional restrictions

🎆Inspires action in other states
Proposition 1 in #California would protect the right to abortion, contraception & cement the state as a leader in abortion protections

It also ensures critical healthcare for 9.2 million women of reproductive age + trans & nonbinary patients + people traveling from other states
Read 10 tweets
Oct 30th 2022
I know everyone (including myself) has been posting about Musk's disgusting tweet, but for the next 10 days we need to...
📣 MICHIGAN Democrats have a real shot at flipping BOTH the state House *and* Senate blue for the first time in forever. Help them finish strong by donating to some or all of these races TODAY:…
📣 You can also help Those Women From Michigan® at the top of the ticket as well!…
Read 23 tweets
Oct 10th 2022
"Every individual" includes children. "STERILIZATION" is right there in the language. #Prop3 is going to make it a CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT for kids to transition or get abortions without parental knowledge or consent. Image
This will also make it perfectly legal for a rapist who is 25 to take a 10-year-old victim for an abortion in Michigan and not be penalized for the rape. It erases the age of consent which was always what the #Groomers wanted, btw. Image
There's a reason why "accepted clinical standards of practice and evidence-based medicine" is written here. That's not about abortion. It's about "trans affirming" theology. As long as the medical people say it's fine, you MUST LET YOUR KID DO IT Image
Read 8 tweets
Oct 3rd 2022
NEW: W/less than 2 months til #Election2022, US "not aware of any adversary #cyber campaigns specifically targeting US elections" per sr @FBI official

BUT adversaries "could seek to spread or amplify false or exaggerated claims of compromise to election infrastructure"
NEW: @FBI warns #Russia #China #Iran "will take advantage of election integrity narratives that come up in the US election ecosystem" per 2nd senior official

"We've seen that already specifically form Russia"

NEW: Ahead of #Election2022 #Russia|n gvt "expanding the ecosystem that they are using to try to identify & recruit both witting & unwitting proxy organizations" per 2nd senior @FBI official

"I think we can infer that they [Russia] think this has been relatively successful..."
Read 10 tweets
Sep 21st 2022
A Severe Thunderstorm Watch has been issued across southeastern #Michigan until 1 p.m. ET. #MIwx Image
The Severe Thunderstorm Watch includes the cities of Flint and Detroit.

As the day continues, storms will fire up and grow in intensity as they sweep across areas from eastern #Ohio and western #Pennsylvania to western and central #NewYork state. #MIwx Image
Damaging winds and large hail are the main threats that will be associated with any severe thunderstorms that develop on this afternoon and evening.

However, flash flooding and tornadoes are also possible within any of the stronger thunderstorms. ImageImageImageImage
Read 4 tweets
Jun 29th 2022
Four takeaways from the sixth day of Jan. 6 U.S. Capitol riot hearings
@Reuters #Trump @moirawarburton…
-@RepLizCheney: General Flynn, do you believe in the peaceful transition of power in the United States of America?
-#MichaelFlynn: The Fifth
Read 122 tweets
Jun 23rd 2022
We are roughly 2 months away from the start of #CFB season! Lets talk expectations. Ill go through each team & give what my model predicts as the % chance each team gets to bowl eligbility, and also the % chance each team gets 10+ Ws given their respective schedules. Lets go!🧵
#SEC (% Chance @ 6+ Ws/% Chance @ 10+ Ws)

#Alabama #RTR 99.9%/89.5%
#Arkansas #WPS 55.3%/11.0%
#Auburn #WarEagle 36.9%/1.8%
#Florida #Gators 81.0%/17.4%
#Georgia #UGA 99.9%/93.3%
#Kentucky #BBN 66.7%/7.3%
#LSU #GeauxTigers 81.8%/29.1%
#HailState 47.8%/2.6%
#SEC (% Chance @ 6+ Ws/% Chance @ 10+ Ws) (cont)
#Mizzou 69.2%/11.6%
#OleMiss 96.9%/41.4%
#SouthCarolina 31.2%/0.8%
#Tennessee #Vols 95.3%/35.6%
#TAMU #GigEm 99.0%/75.1%
#Vanderbilt #AnchorDown 2.3%/ <0.1%
Read 12 tweets

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