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Canadian First. Focused on promoting accountability, transparency and good governance.

Oct 22, 2022, 17 tweets

#Ableg News 🧵

Let’s jump into the week that was:

🤦🏻‍♂️ New Premier Smith’s take on Ukraine makes international news! (Stories #1-4)

🚨A deep dive into Danielle’s SECRET posts raises alarms (#6)

📉UCP support PLUMMETS across Alberta (#14)

Here’s 14 REALLY Bad News UCP Stories!

#Ableg News 🧵

1. After calling the unvaccinated the MOST victimized group in generations, Danielle Smith was criticized for saying Ukraine needs to be neutral in Russia’s takeover, and linked Ukraine to “secret US biolabs

Critics say her words are “unforgivable and dangerous”

#Ableg News 🧵

2. In response to critics calling out her take on Ukraine, Danielle Smith offering Albertans 2 words of advice: “Move On!”

Danielle then went to blame several groups, including the media and Alberta’s NDP for politicizing her really horrible political take.

#Abkeg News 🧵

3. For 2-weeks in a row, Danielle Smith made Alberta an international news story!

After Major US publication Forbes questioned her comments on the victimization of anti-vaxxers, Smith made one of East Europe’s largest business publications for her take on Ukraine

#Ableg News 🧵

4. Alberta Premier Danielle Smith FINALLY issued a statement apologizing for her prior remarks on the Russian invasion of Ukraine. 

Her apology (released on Twitter) came DAYS after she REFUSED to apologize.

She did not apologize for her anti-vaxx position

#Ableg News 🧵

5. One group is EXCITED to have Danielle Smith in power: Open Pit Coal Mine Companies!

Pro-Coal CEO’s say new mines could be built in Alberta’s Rockies after support from Smith!!

First Nations, Farmers, and rural leaders say they are VERY concerned.

#Ableg News 🧵

6. A SHOCKING expose by @Justin_Ling exposes Danielle Smith as a Premier who

✅ consumes Russian propaganda sites

✅ spreads infowars blogs and

✅. gets her medical advice from Doctors who have literally been banned from practicing

Smith did not respond.

#Ableg News 🧵

7. In a new interview full of conspiracy theories on the WEC and vaccines, Smith offered “blanket amnesty” for Albertans charged with violating public health restrictions.

An expert stated Smith showed her “inability to distinguish” between facts & conspiracies

#Ableg News 🧵

8. Alberta hospitals had more than 1,000 COVID-19 patients for more than 2- weeks, an increase of 34 from 2-weeks ago.

AHS reported its ICU capacity was at 80% with 179 of 223 beds provincewide in use, and is expected to grow significantly over the coming weeks.

#Ableg News 🧵

9. Major concerns were sounded over waiting times in Alberta hospitals this week.

In one example, Edmonton's Stollery Children's Hospital wait times hit 17 hours, more than 531% more than the regular 3 hour wait time!

Danielle Smith responded…(next story)

#Ableg News 🧵

10. In response to wait times, Danielle Smith offered no immediate solutions.

Rather she said her plan is a HUGE risk: “reform an area this big this close to an election, but we must do it.” 😳

Smith then blamed AHS & Vaccine mandates for health care workers

#Ableg News 🧵

11. In response to Danielle Smith’s so called “plan”, Deborah Apps, an AHS board member, stepped down.

In her resignation letter, Apps stated she could NOT support another destabilizing review and potential cost-cutting in AHS.

#Ableg News 🧵

12. At it’s first AGM under Premier Danielle Smith this weekend, Alberta’s UCP will debate 20 policy resolutions.

One of the most shocking is one that aims to push back against anti-racist education efforts.

It’s noted that hate crimes increased 71% since 2020

#Ableg News 🧵

13. Danielle Smith offered words of warning to Alberta Businesses this week: drop all vaccine requirements!

Smith admits opens a “big can of worms” though didn’t elaborate.

There was no word on health care jobs and training requiring vaccines for polio

#Ableg News 🧵


Oooof!! According to a new Alberta-wide poll,

Provincial Support:
UCP 38%
NDP 53%

Best Premier:

36% Notley
22% Smith

This was BEFORE the international news stories.

#Ableg and most importantly:

If you have a chance - I’d love to meet you at #Ableg grounds today!


This will be the first, but MOST important, rallies FOR Alberta’s future and for public education!

@schill_dawg @atypicalalbertn @Ninjarale

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