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Oct 25, 2022, 5 tweets

Fungal pathogens can cause illnesses and death.
They are becoming increasingly common and resistant to treatment.

Yet, too little is known about them.

The 🆕 WHO fungal priority pathogens list is an important step to boost urgently needed research:

Imagine having thrush that cannot be treated❓

When fungi that cause common infections become more resistant to treatment, the risks of contracting invasive infections also rise.

Treatments working less well is a global problem for all of us 😱


Some fungi pathogens like to lurk around hospitals 🏥. Why? They can attack the most vulnerable patients.

During the #COVID19 pandemic, incidences of invasive fungal infections increased dramatically among those hospitalized.


Invasive fungal infections often affect severely ill patients & those with significant underlying immune- related conditions, incl.:
🔸chronic respiratory disease
🔸post-primary #tuberculosis infection


To tackle fungal pathogens, protect the most vulnerable & to save lives, we need to act now:
1⃣ improve surveillance 🔍
2⃣ targeted support for research, development & innovation 👩🏽‍🔬
3⃣ raise awareness & enhance public health interventions ℹ️


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