Kit Klarenberg 🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻 Profile picture
"Dangerous individual". Half of @ActiveMeasures8. Tipoffs/leaks/hatemail: Baksheesh:

Nov 3, 2022, 7 tweets

💥💥My latest: Leaked documents reveal British spies constructing secret partisan terror army in Ukraine💥💥

#MI6 #IntegrityInitiative #Crimea #BritishIntelligence #WarCrimes…

For several months, British spooks (including 'ex' MI6 and current military intelligence) have been constructing a partisan army, for deployment against/in Crimea, and it seems fulfilling the blueprints put together back in April @TheGrayzoneNews reported on October 10th.

This training is led by @PrevailPartners, founded by former Special Boat Squadron commander Justin Hedges, and delivered on behalf of SSU Odessa. They originally wanted $600k per fighter. Nice work, if you can get it...

Justin and pals visited training of Ukrainian Army’s 24th Brigade before dispatch to the frontline. Their appraisal was a bunch of conscripts with no military experience, facing certain death. But with Prevail's help, things might be different...

The partisan army is being trained in Poland and Greece by @PrevailPartners. The company had some 'interesting' alternative plans for blowing up Kerch Bridge, citing the August 2020 Beirut blast as a potential blueprint to follow. Charming people. Really charming.

Chris Donnelly, the spider in the middle of this transnational spy/crime web, can hardly be dismissed as an obscure loon. Brigadier Julian Buczacki recently invited him to serve as an adviser to London's top military staff in order to prosecute the proxy war.

Lot of chatter about Liz Truss messaging Blinken "it's done" after the #NordStream sabotage. While almost certainly a British op, I don't believe the US was in the loop. Indeed, Donnelly thinks Biden's approach is cowardly and "must be challenged" by incendiary escalations...

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