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"La civiltà ha reso l'uomo, se non più sanguinario, in ogni caso più ignobilmente sanguinario di quanto fosse un tempo".

|F. M. Dostoevskij|

1/24 Image
L'operazione segreta #GLADIO venne scoperta nel 1990: #CIA, #MI6 e #NATO avevano addestrato e diretto un esercito clandestino di unità paramilitari fasciste in tutta Europa, dispiegando le proprie risorse per indebolire gli oppositori politici.…
Oggi nuovi #file britannici recentemente declassificati, gettano una luce inquietante sulle origini e sul funzionamento interno dell'operazione #Gladio, che anche attraverso la NATO, dispiegava milizie terroristiche fasciste in tutta Italia.

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En Juillet 2020, le rapport #Russe sur le #Brexit fut délivré par le gouvernement Britannique, après que des MP's aient demandé une investigation.Le gvt de Johnson a fait traîner autant que possible ce rapport, car évidemment,
vu les millions de livres reçues par les tories de la part des Oligarques #Russes, Johnson savait que çà ne lui serait pas favorable.
Le rapport sur la Russie accuse le gouvernement de ne pas avoir enquêté sur l'ingérence de la Russie dans la politique britannique,
en particulier lors du référendum de 2016 sur l'#UE. Le langage de la commission du renseignement et de la sécurité de la Chambre des Communes est cinglant. Elle affirme que Downing Street a fait preuve d'un "manque de curiosité" à l'égard de l'ingérence du Kremlin.
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⁉️ SIS: What's In a Name?

The Secret Intelligence Service has had numerous names over the years, famously referred to as #MI6.

But what other names have there been? A thread🧵 Image
👀 SIS emerges from the Secret Service Bureau, formed in July 1909. Initially seen as covering domestic and overseas intelligence, the SSB soon splits into Home and Foreign sections. In 1916, the Foreign section takes the name MI1(c). Image
Yet there seemed to be confusion over the actual name. SIS is adopted in early 1920, but "Special" and "Secret" was used at several points. The "Foreign Office service" - a reflection of the FO's control - appears, and "C's organisation" - a reference to "Chief" - is also used. ImageImage
Read 6 tweets
A Swiss tech expert runs a global phone surveillance system for Deep State, and it is a spider's web we never knew, existed.

Let us decode, how it works:


#Assange #Snowden #surveillance #CIA #MOSAD #MI6 #USA #UK #spying #TechSurveillance #China #Russia… Image
1. Welcome to the world of surveillance contractors, telecom access brokers, and an industry of grey actors with seemingly legitimate businesses. Some are regulated, some are procured by state clients - and some are sold to private actors, providing hackers and criminals alike…… Image
2. At the center of this global telecom surveillance web is a tech expert and telecom entrepreneur, a former ally of Julian Assange and vocal critic of the security state, now turned surveillance industry enabler.
His name is Andreas Fink.

#Assange #Snowden #surveillance… Image
Read 25 tweets
🧵Thread : Assassinat de Mouammar Kadhafi : une opération visant à éliminer le dirigeant libyen, planifiée par l'OTAN

Article traduit et commenté issu du site Libya S.OS - War Diary 2011-12 - 3/12/2011
#OTAN #Libye #kadhafi #WarCrimes #WarCriminal #Libya #CPI #Gaddafi
1/?➡️ Image
Il y a quelques jours à peine, la secrétaire d'État américaine, Hillary Clinton, en visite en Libye, avait déclaré: “Nous espérons qu'il [Kadhafi] pourra être capturé ou tué bientôt."Combien de fois avons-nous entendu le ministre des Affaires étrangères d'un pays proclamer
que le chef d'un autre devait être éliminé? Un agent français derrière la mort de Kadhafi
Le journal italien Corriere della Serra, a rapporté, citant des sources diplomatiques dans la capitale libyenne Tripoli, qu'un assassin étranger avait tué Kadhafi… 3/?
Read 40 tweets
Likely you haven't heard of Pilgrims Group. References to company in the media are extremely rare. However, they're well known to Western news outlets - they provide protection services to journalists in hostile environments, and embed their security specialists in news crews.
Pilgrims Group was active on the ground in Ukraine from the early days of the US-orchestrated Maidan coup in 2013, and within mere hours of #MH17 generated multiple teams to ferry journalists around, thus maintaining a high degree of editorial control over their output.
Read 8 tweets
سناریوی ریکاوری شارلاتانهای حیران مابین لندن و واشینگتن :
روزای اول میگفتن واییییی 😱😱😱 از دادستانی زنگ زدن گفتن مثلاً نرگس کون کلفت بره شعبه فلانِ دادستانی .
بعد که معلوم شد کل داستان ای شارلاتانها جفنگه ، کار رسبد به اینجا که گفتن :
شب گذشته ۲۷۵۰ نیروی تکاور با تجهیزات Image
کامل هلیبرد کردن روی سقف خونه سپیده قلیان و پس از شکستن دست و پاش و کون و کپلش و .... و از کارافتادن مغز و زبان و بناگوشش و پاچه‌اش بازداشتش کردن و بردنش .
همین جفنگ رو هم دیگه هیچکس باور نمیکنه و این قهرمانان دروغین و فیک ، دیگه با هیچ‌نوع روان کننده‌ای شافت ملت
نمیشن ‌.
الان دقیقاً داستان #اینترچپمال نسخه کامل و موبه‌موی همین سناریوی بازداشت رهبران مفعوله .
اینترچپمال ، بازوی رسانه‌ای پروژه #زن_زندگی_آزادی بود ، از چندسال قبل
تدارک دیده بودن که با نابودی چهره بی‌بی‌سی نزد مردم ایران ، یک بازوی رسانه‌ای جدید برای نابودی دوباره Image
Read 18 tweets
🧵For all those interested in #SOE & #BritishEspionage #history, a visit to the red-brick #StErminsHotel in #London is a must. Situated in the heart of #Westminster, but hiding on Caxton Street, my map reading skills were sorely tested. Not till I admitted defeat, did I find it. Image
I wandered in - somewhat frazzled - declared my interest, & was swiftly treated to an impromptu tour by the munificent concierge. It began here: the grand staircase in the hotel lobby. The pictured door is said to conceal a secret tunnel that leads directly to #TheHouseofCommons. Image
'#MI5 & #MI6 each occupied a floor of the hotel during #WW2...' said the concierge. Indeed, #SIS made the hotel their Section D HQ, then #SOE arrived in the guise of the 'Statistical Research Department'. 'This way,' said the concierge, ushering me away from the lobby to this... Image
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HAW Daily Brief 1/5 Houston Man 'Wrongfully Detained' in #China For More Than 10Yrs,'I’m Just Really Mad' Mom Says…
@mamasparkles168 hasn’t been able to speak with her son since 2018."I used to cry a lot,I was cried out&prayed out. Now,I’m just really mad."
2/5 Health of French-Irish Citizen in #Iran Failing: Sister…
"His health is getting worse," #BernardPhelan’s sister said to @afpfr. He fell when his left knee buckled as he got up from bed. "He is suffering." He was not given walking sticks or crutches.
3/5 Loved Ones of U.S. Navy Officer Imprisoned in #Japan Work to Get Him Home…
Loved ones of @BringRidgeHome gathered in front of the Japanese Friendship Bell on Shelter Island. They prayed for healing & peace for everyone involved in this tragic incident.
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*از #جاسوس یقه دیپلمات و پیشانی پینه بسته تعجب کردید؟*

شاید بعضیا یادشون نمیاد یک همجنسگرای ایرانی الاصل با نفوذ در حوزه نجف تا سطح اجتهاد پیش رفت! آنجا سید و مجتهد شد و به ایران آمد و در امتحان ورودی خبرگان هم قبول شد!
حتی در لیست #انتخاباتی بعضی از جناح های سیاسی قرار گرفت اما سال ۱۳۹۴ در دقیقه نود شناسایی و دستگیر شد...

نامش سید سعید جلیلی چوب‌تراش معروف به "سعید آل‌محمد" بود!!!

چوب تراش یک جاسوس انگلیسی بود که تلاش داشت به مجلس خبرگان ایران نفوذ کند.
وی با آموزش هایی که در سازمان های جاسوسی انگلیس به ویژه در #MI6 دیده بود، توانست در نجف تا درجه اجتهاد هم پیش برود.

به نظر شما چندتا "چوب تراش" در سازمان ها و نهادهای دولتی داریم!
Read 3 tweets
💥💥My latest: British Psychological Warfare Threatens Balkan Conflict💥💥

#MI6 #BritishIntelligence #Bosnia #RepublikaSprska #Yugoslavia #Serbia #Balkans #BalkanWar…
In 2020, in total secret, British intelligence ran a secret psychological warfare campaign to sell extremely harsh #COVID19 lockdown restrictions to a sceptical Bosnian public. The Embassy in #Sarajevo used local PR firms, and FCO contractor Albany for the purpose. ImageImageImageImage
Albany is a veteran of British psychological warfare operations the world over, most notoriously in Syria, where it set up fake opposition media assets and provided "communications support" to violent armed groups, in order to circulate pro-regime change propaganda globally. Image
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💥💥My latest: How British Intelligence Sabotaged Cambridge Analytica Scandal💥💥

#MI6 #IntegrityInitiative #BritishIntelligence #DARPA #PortonDown #MI5…
There is one aspect of the #CambridgeAnalytica scandal that has never before been revealed - a concerted black propaganda campaign run by elements of British intelligence to frame the company as compromised by Russia. Now, it must be.
#IntegrityInitiative, a secret Foreign Office unit run by military and intelligence operatives, took the lead in this fraud. They fed journalists, including @carolecadwalla, material implicating Cambridge Analytica - and Arron Banks - as in bed with the Kremlin.
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#Dominion-#Scytl #Italy revisited.
- Swiss-American author and researcher Neal #Sutz has revealed that not just #Switzerland but also Italy played a major role in stealing #votes.
'All Roads Lead To #Rome.'
- #Italy interfered with the #US #Elections. Let's first look at the possible players involved. #Obama and former PM of Italy #Renzi. The Story is developing. ImageImageImage
#SCOTUS declines longshot 2020 #electionFraud challenge | -4h
Supreme Court declines to hear another longshot 2020 election fraud challenge.…
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💥💥My latest: Secret intelligence files expose dark reality of US proxy war in #Bosnia💥💥

#CIA #MI6 #Yugoslavia #FalseFlag #YugoslavWars #Balkans…
There's the Western version of the war in Bosnia, and what actually happened - a disturbing tale of CIA black ops, literally explosive provocations, illegal weapon shipments, imported jihadist fighters, potential false flags, and stage-managed atrocities. Read all about it here!
These files public domain for almost a year, yet no mainstream Balkan "expert" has mentioned them, let alone dug into their explosive contents (paging @JasminMuj). Wonder if this is because they detonate the fantasy that the war in Bosnia was a simple matter of Serb "imperialism"
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Hoeveel 💰💰 heeft @MarionKoopmans gekregen met een "bookdeal" (wie leest er nog n boek?)… As we have said all along our six-year juggernaut for truth, bioagents leave fingerprints. Fingerprints, solve crimes. And we found the @ErasmusMC 🖐️ Image
Dat @OnsKoningshuis #koningshuis66 confisqueren, bevriezen, nationaliseren en verbannen om herstelbetalingen te doen naar de landen die ze hebben leeggeroofd en de miljoenen doden die ze op hun geweten hebben prins bernard vloog bioagents en IG Farben nazi wetenschappers naar USA Image
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#CIA and #MI6 KNEW #Iraq had NO WMDs. #USA #GeorgeWBush #Cheney @CondoleezzaRice #ColinPowell and #UK #TonyBlair knew it too so they needed a plan to slander #SaddamHussein: Use 3rd party called #Bellingcat to launder #lies via client #journalists + #media, and manipulate World. #CIA and #MI6 KNEW #Iraq ha...
When USEFUL IDIOTS lie: #Navalny with #Bellingcat's Christo Grosev said, "#Novichok disappears from body within hrs" plus Navalny's chief of staff Leonid Volkov trigger phrase "#Putin's signature" for effect. They forgot #Skripal's blood were taken weeks after they were poisoned.
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The highest goal of all human beings, as far as they have not been damaged in soul and spirit, is a life in peace, in community and in love.
In contrast, there are numerous conflicts in all areas ...
The class struggle/overcoming the domination of huge fortunes according to Karl

If we follow Karl Marx, the central conflict of modern man is the overcoming of the rule of men with the huge, illegitimate fortunes and the associated alienation and impoverishment of the majority of people through the rule of money, of capital.
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Das höchste Ziel aller Menschen, soweit sie in der Seele und im Geist keinen Schaden genommen haben, ist ein Leben im Frieden, in der Gemeinschaft und in der Liebe.
Demgegenüber stehen zahlreiche Konflikte in allen Bereichen ...
Es gibt viel mehr, was alle Menschen gemeinsam haben und was sie vereint, als was sie individuell unterscheidet. Alle Menschen haben die gleichen Grundbedürfnisse, Grundhoffnungen und Grundängste.
Eine Gewalt-Eskalation eines Konfliktes muss vermieden werden
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💥💥My latest: Leaked documents reveal British spies constructing secret partisan terror army in Ukraine💥💥

#MI6 #IntegrityInitiative #Crimea #BritishIntelligence #WarCrimes…
For several months, British spooks (including 'ex' MI6 and current military intelligence) have been constructing a partisan army, for deployment against/in Crimea, and it seems fulfilling the blueprints put together back in April @TheGrayzoneNews reported on October 10th.
This training is led by @PrevailPartners, founded by former Special Boat Squadron commander Justin Hedges, and delivered on behalf of SSU Odessa. They originally wanted $600k per fighter. Nice work, if you can get it...
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'De klus is geklaard,' stuurde Liz Truss naar Anthony Blinken na het opblazen van #Nordstream 1 & 2.

Zelfs de best beveiligde mobiele telefoons kunnen gehackt worden, maar #Truss lijkt haar telefoon niet echt goed beveiligd te hebben. Damage control voor #MI6 nu.
Britse pers onthulde op 29 oktober dat de hacking reeds ontdekt werd tijdens de zomer en dat de telefoon van #Truss in quarantaine werd gelegd. Vóór de aanslag op #Nordstream dus. Maar dit soort informatie kan enkel door de inlichtingendienst gelekt…
De vraag is waarom de Britten dit nieuws niet in de zomer vóór de aanslag op #NordStream publiceerden?
De Britse timing van dit nieuws op 29 oktober komt overeen met de timing van de Russische claim op 29 oktober dat er bewijs is dat de Britten de aanslag hebben uitgevoerd. Image
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⚡️⚡️My latest: Leaked documents expose how British spies planned to blow up #KerchBridge

#Terrorism #WarCrimes #Crimea #BritishIntelligence #MI6 #IntegrityInitiative⚡️⚡️…
Now, this is pretty big. Advise you read in full. In brief though, "audacious" plans for destroying #KerchBridge drawn up at request of infamous British military spook Chris Donnelly, at precisely the time London was sabotaging peace talks between Russia and Ukraine this April.
Consider @TheGrayzoneNews UK well and truly launched.
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The regime of #Iran, like virtually all in the #MiddleEast, is vile and we hope one day it’s citizens will be free. But what the international #msm is doing right now with its coverage is essentially trying to aid the US government in another regime change attempt.
1/ #Iran was a democracy in 1953, but unfortunately its Socialist-leaning government nationalized its oil industry which was a no-no for the Imperialist #USA and #UK so the #CIA & #MI6 collaborated as they often do to overthrow its government and install a bloody dictator. #Shah
2/ the US plays lip-service to wanting democracy in the #MiddleEast, but what it demands is FIELTY to the US Empire. Egyptian people bravely and at great cost overthrew a bloody dictator and established the Arab World’s biggest democracy. The new govt wasn’t pro-US and in 2013…
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(1/7) #MI6 in Syria and #Ukraine? But not without #consultation with the #USA - the #British expectation is all too obviously not working out: exacerbated by #Brexit, they are being thrown under the train of rising #USD and ...
(2/7) ... escalating #energy prices just as much as the rest of #Europe with devastating effects of de-#industrialization and skill drain (#BrainDrain) mostly to the #US. As it seems, the #Brexit was conceived as the planned disengagement from the #EU ...
(3/7) ...before the long-planned (already before 2014) disaster of the disempowerment of the #Euro and the final degradation of the #EU to a #NATO vassal (UvdL). #Merkel cold-bloodedly played along in the #Ukraine destabilization ...
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(1/8) #MI6 in Syrien und der #Ukraine? Aber nicht ohne Absprache mit den #USA (#CIA) - die Erwartungshaltung der #Briten geht nur zu offensichtlich nicht auf: verschlimmert durch den #Brexit werden sie genauso unter den Zug des steigenden #USD|s ...
(2/8) ... und der eskalierenden #Energiepreise geworfen wie der Rest #Europa|s mit verheerenden Auswirkungen der #Deindustrialisierung und der abziehenden #Qualifikation (#BrainDrain) in die Vereinigten Staaten (#USA). Anscheinend war der #Brexit konzipiert ...
(3/8) ... als die geplante #Abkopplung von der #EU vor dem (bereits vor 2014) längst geplanten Desaster der Entmachtung des #Euro|s und der endgültigen #Degradierung der #EU zum #NATO-Vasallen (UvdL). #Merkel spielte bei der #Destabilisierung der #Ukraine- ...
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