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Veränderung beginnt bei einem selbst mit offenen Dialogen, Hinterfragen & Verstehen Tweets sind im Zweifel Satire Führe Dialoge gerade auch mit Andersdenkenden!

Nov 9, 2022, 17 tweets

Historically, the world is in a transition from the global hegemony of the U.S. (or its ruling class) to a multipolar world to the global hegemony of China (and its ruling class, party?).

Historical analogies are risky, but they can open horizons by pointing out common & different historical situations.

The paradigm shift from Western US dominance to Asian dominance is accelerated by Covid19 & the Ukraine war. Century is accelerated by Covid19 & the Ukraine war.

Until 1820, the world's largest economies were always China and India. Only in the last 200 years have Europe and the United States triumphed. Compared to 2,000 years earlier, Western dominance is an anomaly.

Of course, US hegemony will eventually come to an end. All great world powers ultimately fail because of their own power and excess and perish.

The eternal goal of the US ruling class of very large fortunes: world domination

The U.S. proxy war in Ukraine against Russia is the next step in a multipolar world order.

The Ukraine & Greek Cypriot. Experience
The long habit of imperial powers to be "guarantors" of what they will destroy

World powers without rivals do not accept equality with anyone, are above international law, like the USA at present.

World powers without rivals no longer have enemies, but only know whistleblowers, traitors, terrorists, despots and rogue states like the USA in the last decades of its hegemony.

World powers without rivals do not fight anymore, but punish (if necessary self-invented war crimes, threats.... Iraq, ISIS, Al-Qaeda, White Helmets, Syria/Assad, Russia/Putin ...) like the USA in the decades of its hegemony.

World powers without rivals no longer wage wars but only humanitarian missions, create democracy, security and peace as the U.S. did in the last decades of its hegemony

World powers without rivals are sincerely outraged when vassals don't want to behave as vassals and be NSA-monitored.

World powers without rivals offer protection & gain dominion over people &states -> always need an enemy to protect against

World powers without rivals always make the majority of their own population bleed for the greed for power and the wealth of the ruling class of very large fortunes.
#Midterms2022 #Republicans #Democrats #oligarchy

World powers without rivals always fail because of their own power ...

World powers without rivals are permanent class struggle from the top and end in fascism before they perish....

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