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Nov 10, 2022, 7 tweets

The Megutti Jain Temple, Karnataka in #Aihole contains an inscription dating 634 CE.

The line number 18 & 19 are two shlokas which states that #KALIYUGA Started after 3101 BC

Let us see how it was hide from us. #Thread #Archaeology


1st shloka says 3735 years has already elapsed since Bharatha war &

2nd Shloka says 556 years since Saka era is running (on date of inscription).

Considering Saka as 78AD

a) 78+556 - The Inscription dates 634 AD
b) 3735-634 = 3101 BC is set as #mahabharata war


J F Fleet removed these important lines from Epigraphica Indica thrashing these IMPORTANT lines as subsequent additions and termed it as insignificant


I tested it on an astronomy software cybersky. At the start of Feb 3102 BC at least 5 planets i.e. Saturn, Venus, Jupiter, Mercury, Mars were in conjunction on one side of earth.

The Start of #KALIYUGA


Here is the inscription


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More inscription referring #Kaliyuga as epoch in this thread

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