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Nov 11, 2022, 20 tweets

This is Sheriff Paul Penzone of .@mcsoaz in .@maricopacounty

Apparently is is a Democrat, and has surrounded the tabulator center, and removing people who have questions.

I think the .@NationalGuard gonna have to move in.

They got the evidence now...


The head law man in .@maricopacounty also put security around ballot boxes when people were watching for ballot mules.

It appears he is protecting the cheaters.

The .@NationalGuard had a cyber team monitoring the private logs and found proof of connectivity to internet...

They had to shut down the machines so that the .@NationalGuard could not collect the communication between the the voting machines.

Immediately the propaganda wing started to do work.

.@Google is complicit and is helping to steal the elections too.

Will justice be served?...

Is the .@NationalGuard waiting for them to certify a fraudulent election?

Are they monitoring all comms between fraudulent actors?

My guess is that they are collecting a LOT of incriminating evidence, and will eventually be able to enforce the law, since the Sheriff isn't...

Lets talk about who you need on the books that gives the best chance of getting away with stealing an election.

If the .@maricopacounty .@mcsoaz is corrupt, the next step is to contact what is called the district attorney, state attorney, or prosecuting attorney.

Who is that?

Republican .@Rachel1Mitchell is the DA, and if she is corrupt, or is unable to get anything done, the next step is the Attorney General.

If you live in #MaricopaCounty #ARIZONA you might want to contact their office and see what you can find.


Mark Brnovich .@arizonaago is the Attorney General.

If #Democrat Sheriff Paul Penzone of .@mcsoaz
in .@maricopacounty or #Republican DA .@Rachel1Mitchell don't help, contact Mark's office.

You might ask why was nothing done last time...


Remember, we got a bunch of legal and law people on the dime. They will ALL be ready for the possible questions.

One thing they ALL can agree on is that they can't do anything without "evidence".

This is important. What is the legal definition?


This is the beginning of confusion. Most regular folk don't take the legal definition into account, and just took their word that there was no "evidence".

Although Webster's definition was true for many, it was not LEGALLY true.

So they coined the term "The Big Lie".


This is why lawsuits had to be filed. You legally can't say there is "evidence", unless its admitted in court.

Until then, it is true that there is no evidence. If something is not true...

Legally, anything is false, or a lie until admitted in court.


I am not sure how many judges are on the dime, but all they really need is one.

The judge for the Maricopa County Superior Court can say that no items submitted as evidence can be admitted and force the fight to the federal level.

I wonder how many of these are on the dime?

Lets circle back to "The Big Lie". This was propaganda to convince people NOT to go to court.

Stuff provided as "evidence" such as a sworn affidavits, were not, because they were told its not evidence. What they were not told, is that it could be if a court admitted it...

This Judge Randall Warner .@courtpio who is the Superior Court Judge in Maricopa County.

He was appointed by a (D) in 2007.

.@katiehobbs shared this after he denied plaintiffs a day in court.

Are they on the dime? I hope the locals are making moves.

This is Secretary of State .@SecretaryHobbs .@katiehobbs

Please notice how she parrots the propaganda.

The election was "secure & accurate" & "facts matter in a court of law".

The issue is that the facts have not had their day in court...

Why have the facts not had their day in court?

Is it because .@mcsoaz .@Rachel1Mitchell
.@arizonaago .@courtpio are ALL on the dime?

Not impossible.

Unfortunately, the .@FBI is the next step. They are federal law enforcement officers who would investigate and get evidence...

Who trusts the .@FBI today?

How much evidence have they suppressed?

How can we get the facts a day in court under these conditions?

Lets talk about the court process. How long could these cases take if you are against all odds? How much does that cost? What do you do?

Can we talk a about COVID?

Specifically what it did to the the courtsduring this time.

Courts were shut down or delayed SO much. So the combination of courts being slow to begin with plus their COVID delays, gave a chance that no legal evidence would be seen before midterms.

This is why they can still say to this day that there has not been any evidence of "wide spread election or voter fraud".

How many cases have actually made their day to court?

How successful have the cases been that made it to court?

Are the Patriots in control? What's next?

If you made it this far, you may want to like and share to get the info out there.

Follow me for more updates.

Accounts get suspended for this type of reporting, but lets see if .@elonmusk & .@Twitter will allow it.

These are legitimate questions and the people need answers.

Holy mackerel!

.@JulieGunnigle was the DA in 2020. Did .@georgesoros really send her campaign money?

You can't make this stuff up.

These people are sick!!!

#BREAKING_NEWS #USA #Truth #fridaymorning #Veterans #God #happyfriyay #Trending #NEW


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