God's Wildcard🩸Pureblood - Question The Narrative Profile picture
Died 7x. Paralysed waist down healed Survived Superbug. ℂ𝕠𝕟𝕤𝕡𝕚𝕣𝕒𝕔𝕪 𝕀𝕟𝕤𝕠𝕞𝕟𝕚𝕒𝕔 #ConspiracyInsomniac #truthtoolbox - Truth Wins Job 32 v 21

Nov 17, 2022, 6 tweets

Napoleon Busch asked me to tag you in a tweet so you can see one of his numerous trailer/billboards
@byroncclark and Marc Leonardus a.k.a @marcdaalder of @NewsroomNZ

@CounterspinM - FACTS AND EVIDENCE, instead of govt paid elusive rhetoric and agenda ridden sensationalism

Wow... better stats than your few thousand ALLEGED You Tube followers and few hundred reactions Byron

.... and your half dozen or so reactions on twitter Daalder from your blathering tweets

Still going on about face nappy wearing in your articles Daalder....


Are you double stupid Marc?
You wearing 2 face nappies here?

If you truly believe the psuedo mask bullsh¡t Daalder, THEN BY DEFAULT YOU MUST BELIEVE IN "social distancing"

Really sucked into the covid narrative OR deviously pretending to be....
#COVID19nz #COVID19Aus #nzpol

Either super stupidity runs in the family OR Marc's little bro Michael is also FEARFUL THAT HE'S GOING TO CATCH COVID FROM THIN AIR?

Or is he also all for show Marc?

Chicken Little's are Marc and Michael .... "oh no the sky is going to fall"

Hey Daalder... why isn't your old man @IvoHDaalder
here wearing a face nappy?

Your 15th November blab on face nappies only apply in NZ, like your bullshit climate change?

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