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🇺🇸🇪🇺American-European journalist ➡️Find me on Substack: https://t.co/JT6dRVCEpJ

Nov 20, 2022, 9 tweets

#COP27: we have a deal

For 1st time, rich countries have agreed to pay poor countries for damages caused by climate change - a contentious deal 30 years in the making.

But, they could not agree on details of the fund. Decisions on who pays and who receives put off to next year.

Live now: 🇪🇺VP @TimmermansEU tells #COP27 plenary: "The world will not thank us when they hear only excuses tomorrow"

"Friends are only friends if they only tell you thinks you might want to hear" says the Dutchman.

"What we have in front of us is not enough of a step forward"

The #COP27 deal has not obliged "major emitters [like 🇨🇳] to increase and accelerate their emissions cuts" says Timmermans.

"It does not bring a higher degree of confidence that we will achieve the agreements made under #ParisAgreement and in Glasgow last year"

Timmermans says #COP27 agreement has left big gaps between current ambition and what sciences says is necessary.

"As you know, the EU tried to bridge these gaps" by for instance trying to get a phaseout of fossil fuels. 80 countries supported 🇪🇺plan. But it was rejected.

Crucially, Timmermans says today's deal doesn't "block the path to 1.5C" and that's why 🇪🇺 signed up to it and didn't walk away.

But the deal's #MitigationWorkProgram "puts unnecessary barriers in the way and allows parties to hide from their responsibilities."

"Last night, our #COP27 talks stalled," laments 🇪🇺VP Timmermans.

"Too many parties are not ready to make more progress today in the fight against the #ClimateCrisis. There were too many attempts to even roll back what we agreed in Glasgow."

Timmermans says 🇪🇺 did not sign this #COP27 deal gladly.

"We're faced with a moral dilemma, because this deal is not enough on mitigation. But do we walk away and thereby kill a fund that vulnerable countries have fought so hard for for decades?"

This was a blunt, angry speech by 🇪🇺VP Timmermans reflecting the disappointment many feel with this #COP27 result.

"I urge you to acknowledge when you walk out of this room that we have all fallen short."

"We've lost speed since Glasgow, we've wasted a lot of time."

Good news & bad news for climate campaigners at the conclusion of #COP27:

👍On one hand, developed 🌎 accepted a #LossAndDamage 'climate reparations' fund after 30 years of resisting.

👎On the other, developing 🌍 refused to increase emissions reductions or ditch fossil fuels.

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