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We are the #UnitedNations’ health agency - #HealthForAll. Always check our latest tweets for updated advice/information.

Nov 20, 2022, 6 tweets

This #WorldCup, health and sport are teaming up to celebrate champions 🏆 who are scoring goals and saving lives every day!

#ThanksHealthHeroes for all your commitment, sacrifices and compassion in promoting and protecting people's health around the world 🙌


Sports and health go hand in hand.


#Qatar, you have a challenge. Can you bring some traditional dancing into your #WorldCup opening match? We want to see you #BringTheMoves!

#Ecuador, will you answer to this #WorldCup move challenge?

Be active and keep practicing and the biggest football stars will #BringTheMoves.

If you need an inspiration on how to #BringTheMoves to the #WorldCup, check the new #GenMove app designed to help you be active to improve your health and wellbeing.



This #WorldCup, @MOPHQatar, @FIFAcom and WHO also teamed up to encourage everyone to exercise regularly and talk about their #MentalHealth. #Sport4Health

Healthy food gives football players superpowers🦸‍♀️
Good nutrition is essential for health & development, helping us build strong muscles & bones, be active, feel good & learn better.
This #WorldCup, you can find healthy food options in all 🏟! #Sport4Health

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