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Nov 24, 2022, 20 tweets

Are we still searching for #Arbitrum Airdrops? 🪂

Why not go for the potential #arbitrum airdrop, while securing another one?

Here’s an #Arbitrum Native DEX that doesn’t have a token yet, but is for sure dropping one in the future.
🧵👇 ( 1/ 20 )

(2/20 ) Today we'll be talking about @rage_trade.

@rage_trade is aiming to become the most liquid ETH Real-Yield perp DEX, and BEST USDC FARM on #Arbitrum.

With their $GLP #DeltaNeutralVault and #airdrop rumors, I think it's time we have a closer look. 👉💙💛💸🪂 👇

(3/20 ) In this thread, we'll cover:

(1) What is RageTrade?
(2) How they plan to become the most liquid
(3) Their 80-20 vaults
(4) How they'll become a Stablecoin-Farm beast🌱🪙
(5) How to increase your chances of getting an #Arbitrum / @rage_trade Airdrop 🪂🪂

(4/20 )1⃣ What is @rage_trade

@rage_trade is an ETH Perp dex that is utilizing leverage💯,recycling♻️,and vaults🏦 to become a #Arbitrum alpha predator🐯

- 10X ETH Leverage
- Recycled Liquidity
- 80-20 Vaults to attract Liquidity
- StableCoin Farm #GLP DeltaNeutral vaults(Soon)

(5/20) 2⃣What the heck is Recycled Liquidity?

This took me a while to wrap my head around so if I butcher it...

Pretty much, @rage_trade attracts LPs that provide for AMMs, Money Markets, and Derivatives on Layer Zero chains by offering the potential for a higher yield.


This is done by bridging all yield-generating ETH + USD services on compatible Layer Zero chains to their host chain #arbitrum.

Their Ominchain 80-20 vaults allow LPs from these other chains to deposit their yield-generating assets into the @rage_trade 80-20 vaults.

( 7/20)3⃣80-20 Vaults

The vault is called 80-20 because:

- 80% of the TVL in the vault is put to yield-generating protocols ( $Curve, $GMX, $Sushi, etc)

- 20% of the TVL in the vault is to provide concentrated RageTrade Liquidity for their ETH PERP

( 8/20)

We've very early here, they only have their 80-20 #Arbitrum / #Curve Tri-Crypto vault up and running. They have plans to do many more.

A more detailed explanation of how this operation works

( 9/20 ) 4⃣ How will they become a Stablecoin Farm?💸🌱🐄

@RageTrade is making a $GLP Delta-Neutral vault. They plan to launch the vault later this month.

If you don’t understand how $GLP works yet - check out my previous $GMX / $GLP Thread 👇🧵

(10/20 ) What's the point of a Delta-Neutral Vault?

When holding $GLP you’re exposed to volatile, non-stable assets such as $ETH and $BTC.

What happens when you hedge that downside exposure of $ETH / $BTC? 👇👇

( 11/20 )

By opening shorts on the underlying volatile assets in the $GLP basket, relative to the weights 👇, you can achieve delta-neutral.

At the expense of some APR, you end up with an asset that prints stables, without volatility.

( 12/20)

@rage_trade will be opening two kinds of $GLP vaults to match investors' risk appetites.

Risk-Off $GLP Vault for the boomers.
Risk-On $GLP Vaults for the degens.

(13/20) Risk-Off $GLP Vault

RagesTrade achieves yield for the Risk-Off Vault by lending USDC to the Risk-on Vault to perform its shorts.

This allows the Risk-off vault to earn a leveraged yield + a fraction of the ETH yield from $GLP.

The target APR for this vault is 6-8%

(14/20 ) Risk-On $GLP Vault

RageTrade achieves a yield with its Risk-On $GLP vault by systemically opening shorts on Aave + Uniswap to hedge the $GLPs $BTC / $ETH downside exposure.

The target APR for this vault is 15-25%


In addition to shorting the $ETH / $BTC exposure for you, @rage_trade performs rebalancing functions.

Every 12 hours they:

-Harvest Fees
-Rebalance Profit
-Rebalance Hedge

( 16/20 ) This strategy provides some pretty solid returns.👇💸

Risk-On gets between a 15-25% yield. Significantly outperforming $GLP in the bear market due to hedged $ETH / $BTC.

Risk-off vaults get you a yield of 6-8%. Which significantly beats out Aaves 0.5%~ supply yield.

( 17/20 ) 5⃣That all sounds great, but wen Airdrop? 🪂

There is no debate that a $RAGE token will be coming.

And well regardless of @andrewsaunders teases. I think an $ARBI token is coming too, it's just a matter of time. Why not go for both? 👇

( 18/20 )

Why am I so confident that a $RAGE token is coming?

They have it listed in their white paper! They plan to use it to incentivize the 80-20 vault yields down the road.

By Lping in their 80-20 vaults, maybe you increase both your $Arbi and $Rage airdrop chances.👇🧐

(19/20 ) That's a rap!

Twitter 👉@rage_trade
Discord 👉

Other people with @rage_trade content / helped contribute to this thread:

(20/20 ) Thank you @rage_trade for throwing this #DeltaNeutral $GLP / $GMX vault competition.

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