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Nov 27, 2022, 6 tweets

Walt Disney Feature Animation's Treasure Planet, written and directed by John Musker & Ron Clements (The Little Mermaid, Aladdin, Moana), was released 20 years ago today.

This 43rd Disney animated feature film is also one that my followers keep describing as "underrated"...

...every time I talk about it, proof that this movie is well-loved by those who haven't missed it. Yes, it had failed at the box office. But no more excuses: it's now available on Disney+!

It's never too late to board the R.L.S. Legacy (R.L.S.: Robert Louis Stevenson, author of Treasure Island, 1883), especially for its 20th anniversary.
#treasureplanet #scifi #disney #spaceship #animation

Treasure Planet (2002): Art by Michael Spooner

The film's failure had concrete consequences: there were never any dark rides at Disneyland, even though the worldbuilding of the film would have lent itself particularly well to it.

And the sequel was cancelled.

Treasure Planet 2 (canceled in 2002): Art by @Yarrow_Cheney


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