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Mar 4th 2023
#OTD in 1946
Chesley Bonestell (1888-1986) “Trip to the Moon: Artist Paints Journey by Rocket.”
Life, 4 March 1946
‘The idea of a trip to the moon, an irresistible combination of high adventure and escape . . . has always fascinated the people of the earth . . . In this...’ Illustration as reprinted in Bonestell & Ley, The Conquest o
century . . . men have seriously thought of getting to the moon by rocket. Shown here is the scientifically realistic rocket journey conceived by [Bonestell], a Hollywood special-effects artist and amateur astronomer whose paintings of Saturn's moons [were] published in [1944].
'STARTING FOR THE MOON, the rocket climbs 200 miles above the US east coast. Inside the earth's shallow flies like an ordinary airplane at a comparatively low speed. ...Long Island. ...New York City. ...the Great Lakes.' image from
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Dec 9th 2022
Space fiction stories I deeply loved in 2022. Warmly recommended.
#scifi #spacefiction #spaceship
Space fiction stories I deeply loved in 2022. Warmly recommended.
#scifi #spacefiction #spaceship
Bonus :)
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Dec 7th 2022
Star Trek: The Motion Picture was released 43 years ago today.
I know that some find it too slow, but this film is eminently Trek for me. Without forgetting the best scene of seduction between a man and a spaceship. #startrek #scifi #ussenterprise #spaceship ImageImageImage
Star Trek: The Motion Picture (1979) ImageImageImageImage
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Nov 27th 2022
Walt Disney Feature Animation's Treasure Planet, written and directed by John Musker & Ron Clements (The Little Mermaid, Aladdin, Moana), was released 20 years ago today.

This 43rd Disney animated feature film is also one that my followers keep describing as "underrated"...
...every time I talk about it, proof that this movie is well-loved by those who haven't missed it. Yes, it had failed at the box office. But no more excuses: it's now available on Disney+!
It's never too late to board the R.L.S. Legacy (R.L.S.: Robert Louis Stevenson, author of Treasure Island, 1883), especially for its 20th anniversary.
#treasureplanet #scifi #disney #spaceship #animation
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Jul 28th 2022
"You can't be serious."
You can't say I didn't tell you...…

Chapter 20, page 365, The Secret Life of Real Estate and Banking

@NEOM #NEOM #SaudiArabia #MirrorLine
@NEOM Get up-to-date commentaries on how the cycle is turning, visit:
@NEOM More sign:…

Thanks @PorcoRoss1 for the link you sent.
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