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Chronicling info. on UFOs, UAP, consciousness, psi, life after death, Bengston Healing, precognition, remote viewing. Don't ignore data.

Nov 27, 2022, 11 tweets

Going through some pics. Maybe early 2000s?

#ufotwitter #legend #missed #stanton…

2 Same conference…

Probably Gulf Breeze?

Stanton Friedman

Nick, was this your first lecture in US? If so, do you remember what year it was?


3 My past life.

4 My grandfather, Pasquale Spagnuolo. He lived until he was 92 and drove all that time. Not good. 🙂

You can still buy his book!

“One Barber’s Story: From Sicily to America.”…

5 Worst mullet ever?

I think this was 1993.

6 I was in junior high (1977 or 1978?) and was asked to accompany the chorus teacher/pianist for a recital back in my elementary school. We did the music from, “Grease.”

I’m on drums. I think the teacher was named Sandy and I had a big crush on her! 😄

7 It was 1988 and King Diamond had just released, "Them," and I bought it on cassette that day. I was excited. My close friend (he's coming to visit again next week), Mitch, pretended to be excited for the pic. 😁

I've had the same (very close) four friends since 1978.

8 Me & Dr. James Strange. Jim was a practicing archaeologist & professor of religious studies at U of South Florida. I was looking down at phone bc the late, Stan McDaniel, professor emeritus at Sonoma St., was on the phone. We were talking Mars anomalies. This was 1997 or 1998.

9 That was part of 13 episodes of "The UfoJoe Show" that I produced and hosted on Tampa Public Access TV.

Here's another episode. 👇🏼

10 @dave_beaty and I in the early 90s? I think this is the same conference with Stanton.

11 I believe the older couple (Ray and his wife) lived in the Tampa Bay area. Ray introduced me to David Icke. 🙏

On my left is the infamous remote viewer (and teacher), Prudence Calabrese. I think this was in Gulf Breeze, the first time I took Pru’s RVing class.

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