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Covering #Iran & #MidEast, especially what MSM won't Have a passion for exposing Tehran apologists/lobbyists

Nov 29, 2022, 8 tweets

Nov 29—Shiraz, south-central #Iran
Refinery truck drivers are on strike. Many other truckers across the country are also on strike.
This movement has the potential of delivering a crippling blow to the ruling regime.

More footage of the truckers' strike in Shiraz, south-central #Iran

Nov 29—Sanandaj, W #Iran
Truck drivers are on strike and reports show many of them have been on strike for three weeks now. Hundreds of trucks are parked at a city terminal and nearby roads.

Nov 29—Bandar Abbas, S #Iran
Truck drivers are on strike and reports indicate these containers in this port are waiting to be transferred without any truckers willing to do so.

Nov 29—Marivan, W #Iran
Truck drivers are on strike in this city of Kurdistan Province which has witnessed intense anti-regime protests in the past 75 days.

Nov 29—Kermanshah Province, W #Iran
There are no trucks on the usually busy Kermanshah-Kamyaran road.

Nov 29— Dehaqan, Isfahan Province, central #Iran
Local truck drivers have joined the nationwide strike.

Nov 29—Tehran Province, W #Iran
No trucks on the normally busy Tehran-Firuzkuh road.

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