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Nov 30, 2022, 10 tweets

Dear subscribers and guests of the channel! Recently, #Russian President Vladimir #Putin has been actively discussing with people from the close circle the introduction of not only general mobilization but also martial law in Russia.

It is not the very fact of the imposition of martial law that is being discussed (the President claims that he is convinced of the need for this measure), but the possible formats, duration and territorial scope.

Among other things, a hybrid of martial law with a "Chinese-style digital concentration camp" is being considered, when, along with the introduction of martial law, all #Russian citizens will be assigned color-graded QR codes.

Red will mean a ban on leaving the locality where a person lives, yellow - a ban on leaving federal subjects of #Russia, and green - a ban on leaving the country. The green QR code is expected to be given to some representatives of law enforcement agencies...

the prosecutor's office, the judiciary and, especially, loyal federal officials, exclusively representatives of the United #Russia party. Yellow: the remaining security forces, officials, emergency responders, persons involved in the maintenance of infrastructure facilities.

87% of the #Russian population will have a red QR code. For citizens working outside the locality of permanent residence, the color of the QR code will change, taking into account working hours and days off, upon prior request.

Complete control over the country is a long-standing idea of ​​representatives of the security forces of the Soviet "school" of the KGB. #Putin has long wanted to embody something like this, but there was no reason.

This idea was warmly supported by the Secretary of the Russian Security Council, Nikolai #Patrushev. As reported to the President, to implement this project, everything will be ready by the end of January 2023.

#Putin in the close circle said that he liked this concept the most and would be a great reason to "wipe his nose" to the Chinese comrades, who "cannot even dream" of such control over the country.

#Putin is ready to turn the country into a concentration camp, the question of whether the country will agree to this remains open.

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