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Nov 30, 2022, 7 tweets

Yes, but if we had 100% background checks, gun permits, red flag laws, and made our background checks meaningful, gun makers would lose business. Neither they, Congress nor the NRA want that. What's 40,000 lives a year when there's money involved? #GunSense #2A #2ndAmendment 1/

2/ #massshooting - Flooding the market with #guns doesn't make us safer but the opposite. Note sales/deaths spikes in 2013, 2016, 2020. Sources: ↖️…. ↗️↙️….↘️

3/ Here are some ideas. Require 3-day waiting period and licenses. Tax ammo 200%. Require 100% background checks for ALL gun transactions including gifts, private sales, etc. And the background checks must be... (Link to latest story)

3/ ... MUCH better than now as bipolar people, etc., can pass background checks and buy guns. I understand owning guns to defend the home though they actually lead to higher, not lower, death rates and High gun ownership states are overwhelmingly worse.

4/ I understand #2A #Guns for home defense. But odds are ~22:1 greater they'll hurt or kill non-intruders than intruders. And we still need liability for injuring/killing bystanders, suicides, injuring or murdering others.

5/ We have 45,000+ gun deaths / year. Total American on American gun deaths exceeds American Revolution, 1812, WWI, WW2, Korea, Vietnam and War on Terror combined. It costs $.40 a bullet. $.40 per life. Why not tax bullets 500%?….

6/ Thoughts and prayers aren’t enough. Let’s abolish security of any pro-gun legislator, Brett Kavanaugh / Supreme Court judge, etc., until our kids, elderly and others don't have to walk around fearing guns. Welcome to our world. #GunReformNow

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