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Adventurer | Entrepreneur | I Fight for the Game Maker | CEO | Metavert | Blog: | #gamedev #GenerativeAI #AI

Dec 10, 2022, 7 tweets

1/ I made an @UnderTale fan game using @ChatGPT in a few minutes this morning.

Follow this thread to learn how, along with some tricks and tips you might want to try in your own experiments.

#gamedev #chatgpt #undertale #ai

2/ Here's the prompt to make an Undertale RPG:

"Let's play an RPG based on Undertale by Toby Fox. You will tell me what I'm experiencing, and then present exactly 4 options. Never make a choice on my behalf. Whenever a set of choices involves an encounter with a monster..."

3/ Some people have noted that ChatGPT has a limited "memory" for the conversation. One way to maintain state more consistently is to simply ask it to display some stats as part of each screen:

4/ GPT-3 knows a lot about Undertale.

There are a lot of wikis, reddit threads, fan pages, etc.

It knows the characters and the lore.

Playing with the starting character is fun.

5/ If you want to jailbreak out of your own game and enter debugging commands, a good way to enable that is to simply instruct ChatGPT that this is one of the behaviors you'd like -- in the initial prompt:

6/ Sometimes, ChatGPT is still confused, though.

I'd love to hear if you've invented version of the prompt that address these issues.

(Also note how it sometimes lists stats on more than one line, despite being told)

7/ You can even meet Toby Fox in his own game, and interview him about game-making:

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