Jonathan Choe Profile picture
Discovery Institute Senior Fellow+Journalist. NEWS TIP:, *Vids branded "DI" represent Discovery Institute. Other views expressed are my own.

Dec 11, 2022, 10 tweets

LATEST UPDATE: What an ordeal for @KatieDaviscourt. She's ok, but mad as hell. She wanted me to get the word out since she still does not have a phone!
@RentonpdWA must find this FAR LEFT militant who robbed her. Entire region needs to stop putting up with this ANTIFA violence.

SPEECHLESS: This is a new low. There is a code among journalists to get each other’s backs in the field. But this @KING5Seattle photog does not even allow @KatieDaviscourt to use his phone to call 911, while the FAR LEFT/ANTIFA loser mocks Katie. Unreal.

STUNNING LACK OF ACTION: @KatieDaviscourt said no other reporter or photog from #Seattle’s mainstream media core today helped her call 911 after the ANTIFA assault and robbery.

“They didn’t want to get involved.”

Let this sink in.

LET'S SUPPORT KATIE: While this criminal got away with @KatieDaviscourt's phone, we can still send a strong message to ANTIFA militants and FAR LEFT activists by raising some support for her journalism. If you would like to help please donate and share.👇🏽…

CAUGHT ON CAMERA? Nearby @RentonpdWA mobile cams were up. Also, @KatieDaviscourt was recording when assault happened. If it backed up on iCloud, we could possibly get a look at this ANTIFA criminal. But Katie says he was wearing a mask. Typical ninja cosplay/Halloween costume.

COMRADE FROM HELL: “christinas_comrades” is an ANTIFA/FAR LEFT militant who has been a thorn in the side of @KatieDaviscourt. However, her footage today actually corroborated Katie’s experience as other #Seattle media refused to let her use their cell phone to call 911. Unreal.

STILL CAN'T BELIEVE THIS HAPPENED: I was arriving to the scene when @KatieDaviscourt frantically waved me down. I stayed with her until an officer arrived, then I walked with Katie to the nearby @RentonpdWA HQ to file an assault and theft report. #Renton

DRAG QUEEN STORY HOUR: Saturday afternoon, ANTIFA militants and FAR LEFT activists mobilized in response to a conservative group's plan to protest event at Brewmaster's Taproom in #Renton, but conservatives canceled after concern over potential violence.


“ANTIFA JOURNALIST”: Since so many of you are asking, this is the lovely lady who always gets in the way of our coverage. I guess christinas_comrades is a Seahawks fan.🙃🤡…

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