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Dec 11, 2022, 16 tweets

1/ #GM! Henlo!
What is @berachain? What is Proof of Liquidity? How do their native tokens play together? Who’s building on their ecosystem? In this #visualthread, we will discuss how @berachain plans to build a #DeFi-native chain.



2/ What is @berachain? Bera is an EVM-compatible L1 built using the @cosmos SDK. Proof of Liquidity and the @Tendermint_Core consensus mechanism powers their chain.

3/ #Liquidity is on-chain gold, it’s what started the @CurveFinance wars, vampire attacks, etc. It’s even more important on the chain-level. It's inevitable that people will flock and migrate liquidity to the most exciting/profitable avenue.

4/ $BGT, $HONEY, and $BERA are the native tokens of @berachain. Each token serves different purposes: governance, medium of exchange (stablecoin), and securing the network (gas) respectively.

5/ Enter Proof of #Liquidity, the exciting part. It is comparable to the delegated Proof-of-Stake mechanism (dPoS), but in this case, they use various whitelisted assets to secure the network.

6/ Staking $BERA yields both $BERA (from block rewards and protocol fees) and $BGT (non-transferrable). Your $BGT holdings reflect how committed you are to the @berachain ecosystem, and acts as a multiplier to the benefits you earn.

7/ $BGT is non-transferrable, to ensure long-term chain-user alignment. It can only be earned through staking $BERA. Protocol and chain revenues (fees and block rewards) are distributed in the form of $HONEY to $BGT holders.

8/ Having a native stablecoin allows $HONEY to inherit @osmosiszone superfluid capabilities. For context, it allows simultaneous liquidity provision and network staking through @CrocSwap.


9/ Here’s an intuitive flywheel for @berachain ‘s three native tokens.

10/ Lastly, this is a (probably dated) list of projects building on @berachain. Can’t wait to see this map rapidly expand!

12/ @MarketCapping YouTube videos with @dcfgod and @SmallCapScience for @berachain interview.

15/ Trivia Time - We use 'Triskelion' an ancient Celtic's symbol for $BGT, $HONEY and $BERA as it represents cyclical nature of universe and the most important thing usually comes in three. This is to even the @Tendermint_Core symbol that called Triquetra.

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