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Covering #Iran & #MidEast, especially what MSM won't Have a passion for exposing Tehran apologists/lobbyists

Dec 12, 2022, 10 tweets

Abbas Mansouri, from the city of Shush in Khuzestan Province, SW #Iran, was arrested in protests of the ongoing #IranRevoIution. His family received his dead body and was threatened to to announce his death as a suicide.

This is the mullahs' regime.

From #Iran:
"Abbas didn't commit suicide. This 19-year-old was arrested for the 'crime' of distributing chocolates. Before his release he was injected with chemicals. Days later he started showing symptoms that led to his death. His family has been threatened to remain silent."

Dec 13—Khuzestan Province, SW #Iran
Footage from the funeral of Abbas Mansouri.

Two days prior to his release he was given pills and before that he was injected with substances during his detention, Mansouri told his relatives.
Mansouri enjoyed good health and was on no medication prior to his arrest, according to sources.

#Iran's authorities threatened Mansouri's family to not hold any ceremony for him. Human rights orgs are reporting signs of torture on his body.

There have been numerous cases of youths "committing suicide" following their release from the regime's prisons.


Yalda Agha-Fazli, 19, from Tehran & Arshia Emam-gholizadeh, 16, from Jolfa, both died or "committed suicide" days after their release from #Iran's prisons.

Siavosh Bahrami, 25, a political prisoner from Kermanshah, "committed suicide" by consuming pills 3 days after his release.

This topic has raised grave concerns across #Iran. Physicians describe such conditions as "suspicious" and most likely as a result of substances being fed or injected to prisoners, or as a result of psychological pressure and/or torture.

In a sound file associated to Yalda Agha-Fazli, published after her “suicide”, she talks about intense torture during her detention.

Consuming a large volume of potassium in a short time period quickly leads to an individual committing suicide, according to physicians. However, a lower dosage of this substance through pills or injection can increase the “desire to commit suicide”.

Physicians are recommending released prisoners in #Iran to immediately undergo testing in order to determine if the prisoner has received medication, and if so, what impacts that substance has or will have on their bodies.


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