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Dec 13, 2022, 7 tweets

In the last 7 days, the on-chain activity of #Optimism is increased by 21% and surpassed #Arbitrum!

Is this a surprise? Of course not!

Let's review other KPIs to get a better projection of #Optimism's growth!

#Scaling #Ethereum $OP


One of the core metrics of evaluating on-chain activity is the number of transactions that take place in a certain period of time.

As we can see here, the number of transactions is almost constantly rising since October!


The number of transactions may be increasing but how about the number of active addresses?

We can clearly see the same upwards trend in transacting addresses too!👀

Now we understand that more and more people are joining the #Optimism ecosystem and using the chain.


If we look at the monthly transactions, we can see smooth exponential growth since the inception of #Optimism!

What number of transactions are we going to see at the end of December?👀



We believe that developer activity has a huge role in the growth of on-chain activity.

As you can see, the amount of contracts deployed on the #Optimism chain is increasing steadily!

You know what they say...

Bear market is the best time to #BUIDL!


To sum up:

📈User and developer activity is increasing
📈The community and ecosystem are expanding

Obviously, this leads us to the steady growth of on-chain value.

Source: @optimismFND and @DuneAnalytics 🙏


Also, special thanks to the influencers of #DeFi space for their contributions to the growth of the #Optimism community 🙏


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