Ellie Hall Profile picture
Senior Reporter, Royal Correspondent, and Investigator for hire. Previously @BuzzFeedNews. Very curious. Tell me things people should know: ellievhall@gmail.com

Dec 15, 2022, 9 tweets

The final three episodes of #HarryandMeghanNetflix just dropped.

Here's my thread:

Harry and Meghan cut their wedding cake with a sword at their wedding reception in St. George's Hall at Windsor Castle:

Here's @idriselba in his role as DJ at Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's wedding:

The Duchess of Cambridge makes an appearance in the wedding reception photos shown in #HarryandMeghanNetflix (is she talking to Idris Elba?)

Munira Mahmud of the Hubb Community Kitchen is interviewed in #HarryandMeghanNetflix about Meghan's work with them and "Together," the cookbook they put together for victims of the Grenfell fire:

Meghan's mother Doria Ragland cries while talking about her daughter's suicidal ideation while pregnant. "That's not an easy one for a mom to hear."

Harry said that he had a conversation with his father, then-Prince Charles, about the media's coverage of Meghan.

"He said, 'Darling boy, you can't take on the media. The media will always be the media.' And I said, 'I fundamentally disagree.'"


Harry and Meghan's nanny Lorren is interviewed in #HarryandMeghanNetflix:

🚨 In Episode 5, Harry and Meghan say that they offered to give up their Sussex titles in late 2019. 🚨

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