Jennifer 🟥🔴🧙‍♀️🦉🐈‍⬛ 🦖 Profile picture
Baby beginner painter trying something new. Deliberately, thoroughly, and indecently defiant. Take what you like and leave the rest.

Dec 19, 2022, 9 tweets

Remember the #WiSpa? When all the people tried to blame the women? And the little girl? Well this criminal was just apprehended.

All the gaslighters ought to be very ashamed. With one in particular.

Bail is set at $350,000.

Remember these comments?

Remember they held demonstrations to scold any women objecting to being flashed? Remember when they came screaming in the streets to protect that predator? #WiSpa.

We don’t forget. We have receipts.

Remember when they tried to tell us it was all staged? That it never happened? #WiSpa

We remember.

They gaslit and gaslit and gaslit. #WiSpa

This is the playbook. You can practically call it in real time.


One good piece of news. #WiSpa

We don’t forget @latimes. We don’t forget. You gaslit the women and supported the flasher. And a little girl was there!!!

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